At Infotech headquarters, the Consulting business takes up much of the third floor where the team diligently works on complex casework and detail-oriented projects. It’s often quiet. Walking through the hushed corridors and silent library, it makes one wonder: Are they hard at work or just really boring?
In fact, there is much personality to be found, so it seems only fair to showcase this unique team of statisticians, economists, analysts, and consultants in a profile series.
Meet Paula Mullally – Senior Analyst, Case Development.
In her three years at Infotech, Paula Mullally has gone from primarily data cleaning and database building to a role in mostly case development doing what she loves best: tons of research.
“A lot of what I do now is almost a paralegal function, which is funny because my masters is in applied economics,” she said. “I got to bypass the expensive and stressful law school part,” she said.
Over the last few years, Paula has grown into even more responsibility, now sharing the ownership of the intern program Infotech Consulting offers where she helps mentor the next generation during their time here. It’s an ever-evolving position that has grown with her, rather than growing stagnant.
“We threw so much at Paula when she first joined us. I think we asked her to go through about a thousand data programs and find any inconsistencies. Not the most fun first project. She handled it like a champ and did fantastic work,” said Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin, President of Infotech Consulting. “It became clear quickly that Paula could do it all. So at that point we really had to ask where she would be happiest long term. For Paula, that’s case development, with a side of analysis and data work.”
“The fact that my supervisors were able to craft my role to my strengths is pretty unique,” Mullally said, mentioning that it’s that same flexibility the company offers which has been such a benefit since having her first child in 2018.
With “work-life balance” being such a buzz phrase in the business world, she said it might not be the most popular answer, but being a working mom has been less balance, more ebb and flow, and a whole lot of grace.
“Some days I feel like I’m handling one easily and really struggling with the other,” she said. “On rare occasions, I feel like I’m a pro at balancing both.”
To stay sane amidst the fluctuating chaos and peaceful moments of a busy life, Mullally said she loves running, New York Times crossword puzzles and her favorite pastime: baking.
Standing in her mother’s kitchen, helping measure ingredients and mix them together, kick-started her love for the art of baking. Now, more often than not, her creations are made from a combination of her own expertise and imagination.
“I once made up a key lime graham cracker cookie recipe that’s a staple in my household,” she said.
Between her sense of humor and business sense, Paula is an irreplaceable member of the Infotech Consulting team – and not just because of the baked goods she brings in.