Dr. Jim McClave

Dr. Jim McClave

Meet The Expert

Jim McClave


B.S., Bucknell University – Physics
Ph.D., University of Florida – Statistics

Specialty Areas

  • Expert Witness Testimony
  • Expert Statistical Consulting
  • Expert Econometric Consulting

Dr. Jim McClave



Dr. James T. McClave’s affinity for the science of statistics stems from the synergistic relationship it enjoys with all of the other sciences. Dr. McClave founded Info Tech, Inc., in 1977, now McClave + Associates, with the primary mission of applying statistical principles to real-world issues and problems.

He first worked on a U.S. Department of Justice grant as a consultant to the Florida Attorney General, investigating the use of statistical methods for detecting illegal collusion. Following a presentation of positive findings to more than 30 state attorneys general, Dr. McClave worked closely with the State of Florida in its investigations into highway bid-rigging, which resulted in a single state record recovery of $30 million taxpayer dollars. Since then, Dr. McClave and Infotech Consulting have worked on scores of bid-rigging and price-fixing cases involving a wide range of products and industries.

Under Dr. McClave’s direction, the McClave + Associates (MC+A) business has used proven methodologies and sound statistical analyses for a wide diversity of both clients and applications, and MC+A has grown to personify Dr. McClave’s dream of using reliable statistical principles to solve real problems in every walk of life.

Following his undergraduate training at Bucknell University in physics, Dr. McClave earned his Doctorate in Statistics at the University of Florida in 1971. After post-graduate work at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Dr. McClave began an academic career spanning 20 years at the University of Florida.  For the first 10 years, he served on the faculty of the Department of Statistics as an Assistant and Associate Professor of Statistics before serving as an Associate Professor of Business and Economic Statistics in the Graduate School of Business for 10 years, where he coordinated the undergraduate and MBA statistics and econometrics courses. Dr. McClave taught the entire range of statistics courses, from introductory undergraduate to advanced graduate levels, including television courses. During his academic career, his classes were attended by more than 10,000 students.  As an expert in his field, Dr. McClave has authored numerous research articles and six leading textbooks in statistics. To date, his textbooks have been adopted by over 500 universities, including international adoptions following translation into a number of foreign languages.


  • Statistics and Econometric Modeling (TV Course for approximately 1,000 students per term)
  • Statistics and Econometrics for MBAs
  • Introduction to Probability and Statistics
  • Engineering Statistics
  • Statistics for Computer Sciences
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Statistical Methods for Social Sciences
  • Statistical Methods for Business
  • Statistical Methods for Biological Sciences
  • Applied Time Series Modeling and Forecasting
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Advanced Time Series Analysis

Invited Teaching/Training Sessions

Market Analysis Training, “Short Course in Computerized Market Analysis and Collusion Detection,”  Gainesville, FL, March 1 and 2, 2022.

Market Analysis Training, “Short Course in Computerized Market Analysis and Collusion Detection,”  Gainesville, FL, February 23 and 24, 2021.

Market Analysis Training, “Short Course in Computerized Market Analysis and Collusion Detection,”  Gainesville, FL, February 25, 2020.

Market Analysis Training, “Short Course in Computerized Market Analysis and Collusion Detection,”  Gainesville, FL, February 26, 2019.

University of Florida, Warrington College of Business, invited participant on a panel discussing family businesses. Gainesville, FL, November 27, 2018.

Market Analysts Training, “Short Course in Computerized Market Analysis and Collusion Detection,“ Gainesville, FL, March 1, 2018.

Market Analysts Training, “Short Course in Computerized Market Analysis and Collusion Detection,“  Gainesville, FL, March 9, 2017.

Regional Decision Support/Market Analysts Workshop, Multi-State Conference on the use of Info Tech software in DOT analyses of competition, Columbus, Ohio, July 11-13, 2016.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,”  Gainesville, FL,  February 26, 2015.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,”  Gainesville, FL,  February 13, 2014.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,”  Gainesville, FL, February 26-28, 2013.

“Collusion Detection Methods Training,” Florida Department of Transportation, September 11-13, 2012.

DSS On-Site Training, Ohio Department of Transportation, August 7-9, 2012.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 27-March 1, 2012.

BAMS/DSS Asphalt/Concrete Analysis Presentation, Minnesota Department of Transportation, October 31, 2011.

BAMS/DSS Asphalt/Concrete Analysis Presentation, Minnesota Department of Transportation, June 26-27, 2011.

BAMS/DSS Market Analysis Presentation, Alabama Department of Transportation, May 16-17, 2011.

“Collusion Detection Methods Training,” Montana Department of Transportation, November 8-10, 2010.

“BAMS/DSS Econometric Training,” FBI/Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Transportation, August 17-18, 2010. 

“Collusion Detection Training,” Minnesota Department of Transportation, June 9-10, 2010.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Kentucky Department of Transportation, March 16-18, 2010.

Ohio BAMS/DSS Econometric Training, Webinar Presentations, May 1, May 15 and June 18, 2008.

“Bid Analysis and Collusion Detection Training,” New Mexico Department of Transportation, April 2-3, 2008.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 26-28, 2008.

Competition Analysis, Nebraska Department of Roads, February 12, 2008.

“Dusting for Fingerprints of Collusion,” SASHTO presentation, Huntsville, AL, August 5-6, 2007.

“Bid Analysis and Collusion Detection Training,” North Carolina Department of Transportation, March 12-15, 2007.

“Bid Analysis and Collusion Detection Training,” South Carolina Department of Transportation, March 6-8, 2007.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 27-March 1, 2007.

Asphalt Analysis, Richmond, VA, December 8, 2006.

BAMS/DSS Presentation, Helena, MT, August 16, 2006 and September 17, 2006.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Albany, NY, July 21-25, 2006.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 27-March 3, 2006.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 22-25, 2005.

Guest Lecturer at Penn Law School on “Use of Statistics and Econometrics in Antitrust Litigation,” 2004-2005.

“Bid Analysis and Collusion Detection Training,“ Ohio Department of Transportation, November 16-18, 2004.

“Bid Analysis and Collusion Detection Training,“ Ohio Department of Transportation, July 11-14, 2004.

“Bid Analysis and Collusion Detection Training,“ Kentucky Department of Transportation, July 14-16, 2004.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 24-26, 2004.

“Competition Audit,” Tennessee Department of Transportation, November 13, 2003.

“Competition Audit,” Nebraska Department of Transportation, October 27, 2003.

“Collusion Detection Training,” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Kansas City, MO, October 15-16, 2003

“Competition Audit,” Ohio Department of Transportation, August 26, 2003.

“Competition Audit,” Oregon Department of Transportation, June 4, 2003.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Ohio Department of Transportation, April 22-24, 2003.

“Collusion Detection Training,” South Carolina Department of Transportation, March 12, 2003.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 25-27, 2003.

“Statistical Methods for Medicare and Medicaid Investigations,” University of Florida, Shands Hospital, one-day training in Jacksonville, FL, August 1, 2002.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 20-22, 2001.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Ohio Department of Transportation, April 18-20, 2000.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 22-24, 2000.

Missouri BAMS/DSS Data Analysis Presentation, December 13, 1999.

Nebraska BAMS/DSS Data Analysis Presentation, November 1, 1999.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 23-25, 1999.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Colorado Department of Transportation, December 7-8, 1998.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Texas Department of Transportation, September 1-2, 1998.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 24-26, 1998.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Colorado Department of Transportation, December 18-19, 1997.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Vermont Department of Transportation, November 4-5, 1997.

“Collusion Detection Training,” New Mexico Department of Transportation, June 26-27, 1997.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Missouri Department of Transportation, May 1-2, 1997.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, February 4-6, 1997.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Indiana Department of Transportation, September 16-17, 1996.

Collusion Detection Training, “Short Course in Computerized Collusion Detection,” Gainesville, FL, April 23-25, 1996.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Austin, TX, January 31-February 1, 1996.

“Collusion Detection Training,” Nebraska Department of Transportation, November 28-30, 1995.

“Statistical Methods for Medicaid Investigations,” Medicaid Program Integrity Unit, Florida Health Care Administration.  One-half day training in Tallahassee, FL, June 1995.

“Collusion Detection Training,” New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department, September 1994.

“Collusion Detection Using BAMS,” BAMS Users’ Group Meeting.  One-day training course in Columbus, OH, October 1994.

“Collusion Detection Seminar,” Connecticut Department of Transportation.  One-day training course, December 1993.

“Collusion Detection Seminar,” Colorado Department of Transportation.  One-day training course, November 1993.

Florida Attorney General.  Provided a one-day training seminar to state procurement officials on the use of analytical tools to detect bid-rigging and price-fixing, October 1993.

“Collusion Detection Seminar,” Virginia Department of Transportation, One-day training course, February 1993.

United States General Services Administration, Inspector General’s Office.  Provide training in bid/price analysis and collusion detection, 1992.

California Department of Transportation.  Provide training in bid analysis and collusion detection using BAMS, 1992.

New York City Department of Investigations.  Three-day training program conducted on the use of computerized techniques to detect collusive behavior, 1990.

Florida Attorney General.  Provided a one-day training seminar to state procurement officials on the use of analytical tools to detect bid-rigging and price-fixing, 1989.

Texas Department of Transportation.  Three-day training provided to the bid analysis and collusion detection unit on the use of BAMS/DSS for collusion detection in bidding on highway contracts, 1989.

Virginia Department of Transportation.  Three-day training provided to the bid analysis and collusion detection unit on the use of BAMS/DSS for collusion detection in bidding on highway contracts,1989.

“Training Session: Use of Computerized Techniques in Bid Monitoring and Collusion Detection,”  FHWA Antitrust and Transportation Legal Affairs Meeting, Lake George, NY, November 1989.

“Market Analysis and Adaptive Estimation Impact on Construction Cost,” BAMS User’s Group, San Antonio, TX, February 1989.

“BAMS/DSS Collusion Detection Training: An Overview,” BAMS Users’ Group, San Antonio, TX, February 1989.

Florida Department of Transportation.  Three-day training course provided to the bid analysis and collusion detection unit on the use of BAMS/DSS for collusion detection in bidding on highway contracts, 1988.

Books + Publications


  • Statistics for Business and Economics, 13th Edition, Pearson, © 2018 (with G. Benson and T. Sincich).
  • A First Course in Business Statistics, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, © 2001 (with G. Benson and T. Sincich).
  • Statistics, 13th Edition, Pearson, © 2017 (with T. Sincich).
  • A First Course in Statistics, 12th Edition, Pearson, © 2017 (with T. Sincich).
  • Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 4th Edition, Duxbury Press, Wadsworth Publishing Company, © 1995 (with R. Scheaffer).
  • A Second Course in Business Statistics: Regression Analysis, Dellen Publishing Company, © 1981 (with W. Mendenhall).

Publications in Refereed Statistics and Economic Journals

  • Goldberg, J. and McClave, J.T., “The Presentation of Expert Testimony in Price-Fixing Trials.” Antitrust, 28(2), 44-50, Spring 2014.
  • Lanzillotti, R. F. and McClave, J.T., “Comment: Meeting the ‘Ambiguity’ Test Under Daubert.” Antitrust, 17(2), 44-48, Spring 2003.
  • Blair, R.D., Kaserman, D.L., and McClave, J.T., “Competition on Trial: Florida Deregulates Trucking.” Challenge, 30(4), 60-64, 1987.
  • Blair, R.D., Kaserman, D.L., and McClave, J.T., “Motor Carrier Deregulation: The Florida Experiment.” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 68, 159-164, 1986.
  • McClave, J.T. and Tipton, J., “Time Series Modeling: A Comparison of the Maximum Chi-square and Box-Jenkins Approaches.” Time Series Analysis: Theory and Practice, 4, 155-161, 1983.
  • Spreen, T.H., Mayer, R.E., Simpson, J.R., and McClave, J.T., “Forecasting Monthly Slaughter Cow Prices with a Subset Autoregressive Model.” Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, 11, 127-131, 1979.
  • Littell, R.C., McClave, J.T., and Offen, W.W., “Goodness of Fit Tests for the Two Parameter Weibull Distribution.” Communications in Statistics, B8(3), 257-269, 1979.
  • McClave, J.T., “Choosing the Order of a Moving Average Process: The Max Chi-square.” Communications in Statistics, A7, 259-276, 1978.
  • Wackerly, D.D., McClave, J.T., and Rao, P.V., “Measuring Nominal Scale Agreement Between a Rate and a Known Standard.” Psychometrika., 43, 213-223, 1978.
  • McClave, J.T., “Choosing the Order of an Autoregressive Process: The Max Chi-square Technique.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 73, 122-128, 1978.
  • McClave, J.T. and Marks, R.G., “Predicting Hospital Census Using Time Series Regression Methods.” Communications in Statistics, A6 (No. 12), 1187-1206, 1977.
  • McClave, J.T., “Subset Autoregression.” Technometrics, 17, 213-220, 1975.
  • McClave, J.T., “A Comparison of Moving Average Estimation Procedures.” Communications in Statistics, 3(9), 865-883, 1974.
  • McClave, J.T., “On the Bias of Autoregressive Approximations to Moving Averages.” Biometrika, 60, 559-605, 1973.

Other Publications

  • Hewitt, C., McClave, J.T., and Sibley, D.S., “Incumbency and Bidding Behavior in the Dallas-Ft. Worth School Milk Market.” (Mimeo, University of Texas at Austin) 1993.
  • Hodgson, T.J., King, R.E., McClave, J.T., Sullivan, J.H., and Zegel, W.C., “Analysis and Modeling of a Proposed Mining and Benefication Process.” Industrial and Engineering Chemical Research, 26, 2223-2228, 1987.
  • Newman, J.R., Novakova, I.E., and McClave, J.T., “The Influence of Industrial Air Emissions on the Nesting Ecology of the House Martin (Delichon Urbica) in Czechoslovakia.” Biological Conservation, 31, 229-248, 1985.
  • Doering, P.L., Brackbill, Y., McManus, K., Woodward, L., and McClave, J.T., “Prenatal Drugs: Patient Information and its Source.” Contemporary Pharmacy Practice, 5(2), 112-119, 1982.
  • McClave, J.T., Sullivan, J.H., and Pearson, J.G., “Statistical Analysis of Fish Chronic Toxicity Test Data.” Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology, ASTM, 1981.
  • Winchester, B.J., Delotelle, R.S., Newman, J.R., and McClave, J.T., “Ecology and Management of the Colonial Pocket Gopher: A Progress Report.” Proceedings of the Rare and Endangered Wildlife Symposium, 1979.
  • Rothrock, T.P., McClave, J.T., and Ailstock, J.P., “A Computerized Economic and Statistical Investigation of the Florida School Bread Market.” Southeast Antitrust Review, 1, 13-54, 1978.
  • McLean, J.E., Ware, W.B., and McClave, J.T., “How Analysis of Covariance Can Yield Misleading Results in Educational Experiments-a Monte Carlo Study.” Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, 548-553, 1975.


University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, February 2022.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, February 2021.

University of Florida, Levin College of Law, Antitrust Seminar, Guest Lecture: Proof of Damages in Price-Fixing Cases. April 2020.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, November 2019.

University of Florida, Levin College of Law, Antitrust Seminar, Guest Lecture: Proof of Damages in Price-Fixing Cases. October 2018.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, February 2018.

University of Florida, Levin College of Law, Antitrust Seminar, Guest Lecture: Proof of Damages in Price-Fixing Cases.  September 2017.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, April 2017.

University of Florida, Levin College of Law, Antitrust Seminar, Guest Lecture: Proof of Damages in Price-Fixing Cases. November 2016.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, April 2016.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, April 2013.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, March 2012.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, December 2009.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, April 2009.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, December 2006.

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law), Guest Lecture: Econometrics of Antitrust, November 2004.

American Statistical Association.  Florida Section Keynote Speaker, February 2004.

ABA National Meeting, Panel Member on “Use of Statistical Evidence to Prove Liability in Non-Employment Cases,” Phoenix, AZ, May 11, 2001.

Virginia Beach Fraud Conference, “Basics of Fraud and Collusion Detection,” and “Computerized 

Fraud and Collusion Detection,” May 5-7, 1999.

“Top Ten Collusion Indicators for Estimators,” Transportation Estimators Association, Portland, ME, October 26-28, 1998.

“Bid Collusion Detection,” AASHTO TRNS.PORT Users’ Group Conference, Portland, OR, October 4-7, 1997.

“Using Expert Witness to Prove Damages in a Business Torts Case,” Business Torts Seminar, Asheville, NC, October 10, 1997.

“Entrepreneurism,” Fast Trac II Course, sponsored by University of Florida and North Florida Technology Innovation Center, April to July 1996.

“Using On-Site Service Units for Collusion Detection Projects,” BAMS Users’ Group Meeting, Mobile, AL, October 11, 1995.

Ohio Bar Association, “Computerized Analyses in Antitrust Investigations,” CLE Course, October 1993.

“Special Address: Expert Systems and Cost Estimation,” Cost Estimation Workshop, Columbus, OH, November 1988.

“Statistical Techniques for Item Level Price Estimation,” BAMS Users’ Group, Gainesville, FL, March 1987.

“Detecting Collusion in Highway Contracting: An Evaluation of Statistical Methods,” BAMS Users’ Group, Gainesville, FL, March 1987.

“Damage Estimation at the Line Item Level for Highway Contracts,” BAMS Users’ Group, Gainesville, FL, March 1986.

“The Role of the Textbook in Introductory Business Statistics Courses: The Efficient Market  Hypothesis,” Invited Paper, American Statistical Association Winter Meetings, January 1987.

“Analysis of Toxicity Data,” American Society of Testing and Measurement, Chicago, IL, October 1979.

“Testing Goodness of Fit for Linear Time Series Models,” American Statistical Association, National Meetings, Washington, DC, August 1979.

“Analysis of a Sealed Bid Market Using a Statistical Model,” TAMS-OSSA National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Presented by T. Rothrock, 1979.

“Analysis of Toxicity Data to Determine No-Effect Levels” presented at the EPA Fisheries Laboratory, Duluth, MN, 1978.

“Another Look at Some Famous Time Series – the Max Chi-Square Technique,” Poster Session, American Statistical Association, National Meeting, San Diego, CA, 1978.

“Choosing the Order of Autoregressive and Moving Average Models: The Max Chi-Square Technique,” National American Statistical Association Meeting, Boston, MA, 1976.

“Subset Autoregression,” invited paper presented to the Department of Statistical Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, 1975.

“Regression and Smoothing in Time Series,” invited paper, University Statisticians of Southern Experiment Stations Conference, Gainesville, FL, 1974.

“Introductory Statistics: The Normal Approach,” Eastern Regional Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Blacksburg, VA, 1972.

“On Estimation Problems for Stochastic Growth Processes,” Joint National Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association, Fort Collins, CO, 1971.

“On Some Problems of Estimation and Prediction for a Class of Growth Process,” Joint National Meetings of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association, Laramie, NM, 1970.

“On Some Problems of Estimation and Prediction for Stationary Time Series,” Regional Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Tallahassee, FL, 1970.

Expert Testimonies

In re: Rail Freight Fuel Surcharge Antitrust Litigation. U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia; MDL No. 1869; Miscellaneous No. 07-489 (PLF). Testimony in deposition regarding damages analysis for a price-fixing case. July 11, 2023. Retained by Plaintiffs.

The State of New York, et al. v. Covanta Hempstead Co., et al. Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau; Index No.: 7549/2013. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of records of disposal of hazardous waste. January 12, 2023. Retained by Plaintiffs.

In re: Broiler Chicken Antitrust Litigation. United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division; Civil Action No.: 1:16-cv-08637. Testimony in deposition regarding damages analysis for a price-fixing case. August 30, 2022. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Costco Wholesale Corporation v.Tyson Foods, Inc. American Arbitration Association; Case No.: 01-21-0017-8173. Testimony at arbitration regarding damages estimation for a price-fixing case in the broiler chicken industry. August 2-3, 2022. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Costco Wholesale Corporation v.Tyson Foods, Inc. American Arbitration Association; Case No.: 01-21-0017-8173. Testimony in deposition regarding damages estimation for a price-fixing case in the broiler chicken industry. July 7, 2022. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Gabriella Mercado v. Geico Indemnity Company. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 18-CC-008541. Testimony in trial regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. April 28, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

In re: Rail Freight Fuel Surcharge Antitrust Litigation. U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia; MDL No. 1869; Miscellaneous No. 07-489 (PLF). Testimony in deposition regarding damages analysis for a price-fixing case. April 12, 2022. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Juan Lopez v. Geico Indemnity Insurance. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 18-CC-008540. Testimony in trial regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. April 6, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Greg Dispoto v. Government Employees Insurance Company. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 18-CC-030181. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. March 28, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

SHL Enterprises, LLC a/a/o Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Monica Franceschini v. Geico General Insurance Company. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 18-CC-029951. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. February 28, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

In re: Broiler Chicken Antitrust Litigation. United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division; Civil Action No.: 1:16-cv-08637. Testimony in deposition regarding damages analysis for a price-fixing case. February 11, 2022. Retained by Plaintiffs.

SHL Enterprises, LLC a/a/o Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Sandra Antis; a/a/o Holly Toman; and a/a/o Bernice Garcia v. Geico General Insurance Company. Case Nos. 18-CC-029141; 18-CC-030387; and 18-CC-030765, respectively. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. February 4, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Stephanie Conner; a/a/o Toni Eldred; a/a/o Rebecca Kramer; a/a/o Myrna Henry; and a/a/o Victor Reyes v. Geico Casualty Company, Geico General Insurance Company, and Geico Indemnity Company, Case Nos. 17-CC-051575; 17-CC-051599; 17-CC-012835; 18-CC-038717; and 18-CC-039077, respectively. And Page 42, LLC a/a/o Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Sheila Vaske v. Geico Casualty Company, et al., Case No. 18-CC-020333. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. February 3, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o K. Anderson; a/a/o Jawanza Gainer; a/a/o Katie B. Hines; a/a/o Joseph Johnson; a/a/o Jesse Mazzia; and a/a/o M. Shelton v. Geico Casualty Company, Geico General Insurance Company, and Geico Indemnity Company, Case Nos. 17-CC-050707; 17-CC-052036; 18-CC-008944; 17-CC-050629; 18-CC-038986; and 17-CC-051770, respectively. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. February 2, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Carolyn Dean; a/a/o Kenna Piasecny; a/a/o Deidre Simmons; a/a/o J. Sullivan; a/a/o Daniel Torres; and a/a/o Brenda Vega v. Geico Casualty Company, Geico General Insurance Company, and Geico Indemnity Company, Case Nos. 17-CC-052086; 17-CC-049893; 17-CC-049625; 17-CC-051434;17-CC-050833; and 17-CC-020686, respectively. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. February 1, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Sharon Cone; a/a/o Brian Lasher; a/a/o Jeremiah Frank; a/a/o Juan Lopez; a/a/o Ramon Cordero; a/a/o Tennille Hildebrand and a/a/o Teshawna Nash v. Geico Indemnity Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-040013; 18-CC-028545; 18-CC-022957; 18-CC-008540; 18-CC-057086;18-CC-046275; and 18-CC-026224, respectively. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. January 13, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

Page 42, LLC a/a/o Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Brian Alfred v. Geico Indemnity Company, et al. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 17-CC-050218. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. January 11, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

Hillsborough Insurance Recovery Center, LLC a/a/o Brian Ewers; a/a/o Krisy Kall v. Geico General Insurance Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-050798 and 18-CC-050782, respectively. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. January 5, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Kylia Campbell v. Geico Indemnity Company. Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 18-CC-028920. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. January 4, 2022. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Marjorie Cherry v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 18-CC-013486. Testimony in trial regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. December 10, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

In re: Capacitors Antitrust Litigation: Direct Purchaser Actions. U.S. District Court, Northern District of California. Master File No. 3:14-cv-03264-JD. Testimony in trial regarding damages and classwide impact in a price-fixing case. December 1- 6, 2021. Retained by Plaintiffs.

State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Legal Affairs v. Purdue Pharma, L. P., et al. In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pasco County, West Pasco Division, New Port Richey, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-001438. Testimony in deposition regarding historical damages analysis due to the opioid epidemic in Florida. November 19, 2021. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Marjorie Cherry v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 18-CC-013486. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. October 20, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Gabriel Arnold v. Government Employee Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 18-CC-026422. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. October 12, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Glassco, Inc. a/a/o Gabriel Mercado v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 16-CC-036152. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. September 1, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Regina Channelle v. Government Employees Insurance Company, Case No. 18-CC-020110. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Melissa Filson; a/a/o Moria Funck; a/a/o Alicia Galano; a/a/o Jennifer Robinson v. Geico General Insurance Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-020199; 18-CC-037739; 18-CC-026220; 18-CC-029983, respectively. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Brandi Eubanks; a/a/o Katie Ruark v. Geico Indemnity Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-009179; 18-CC-020112, respectively. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. August 13, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Matthew Mills; a/a/o Valerie Ford; a/a/o Kristin Barton v. Government Employees Insurance Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-041809; 18-CC-017558; 18-CC-026449, respectively. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Camilo Maldonado; a/a/o Elizabeth Tix v. Geico General Insurance Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-042462; 18-CC-016260, respectively. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Robert Hardy; a/a/o Gabriella Mercado; a/a/o Brenton Post; a/a/o Gabriella Mercado v. Geico Indemnity Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-022886; 18-CC-008541; 18-CC-017583; 18-CC-016071, respectively. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. July 21, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Jamie Eaton; a/a/o Cynthia Smith; a/a/o Johnnie Mitchell v. Government Employees Insurance Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-057431; 18-CC-059388; 18-CC-010219, respectively. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. July 15, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Darlene Caldwell; a/a/o Alexander Davis v. Government Employees Insurance Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-016255; 18-CC-030178, respectively. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. July 14, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Insignia Systems, Inc. v. News Corporation, et al. U. S. District Court, District of Minnesota; Case No. 19-cv-1820. Testimony in deposition re: damages in tortious interference case. June 24, 2021. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Charles Dean; a/a/o Korey Jones; a/a/o Nicole Konopka; a/a/o Brielle Ryan; a/a/o Carl Talbert v. Government Employees Insurance Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-040014; 18-CC-058619; 18-CC-031022; 18-CC-038652; 18-CC-022890, respectively. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in trial regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. April 28, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc., a/a/o Gerald Alicea; a/a/o Jean Fontaine; a/a/o Angelique Matheson and a/a/o Gabor Geszti v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case Nos. 17-CC-040522; 17-CC-041286; 17-CC-022972 and 15-CC-031318 respectively. Testimony in trial regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. April 21, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc., a/a/o Matthew Dick v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 15-CC-009347. Testimony in trial regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. April 14, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Charles Dean; a/a/o Korey Jones; a/a/o Nicole Konopka; a/a/o Brielle Ryan; a/a/o Carl Talbert v. Government Employees Insurance Company, Case Nos. 18-CC-040014; 18-CC-058619; 18-CC-031022; 18-CC-038652; 18-CC-022890, respectively. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. April 5, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc., a/a/o Gerald Alicea; a/a/o Jean Fontaine; a/a/o Angelique Matheson and a/a/o Gabor Geszti v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case Nos. 17-CC-040522; 17-CC-041286; 17-CC-022972 and 15-CC-031318 respectively. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. March 8, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

In re: Rail Freight Fuel Surcharge Antitrust Litigation. U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia; MDL No. 1869; Miscellaneous No. 07-489 (PLF). Testimony in deposition regarding damages analysis for a price-fixing case. March 3, 2021. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc., a/a/o Matthew Dick v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case No. 15-CC-009347. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. February 16, 2021. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Ruth Perez; a/a/o Mendle Black; a/a/o Jean Eustache; a/a/o Cynthia Henderson; a/a/o John Yeater; a/a/o Anthony Smith; a/a/o Brian Nieves; a/a/o Izekiel Esquilin; a/a/o Shamaira Walter-Fitzgerald; a/a/o Himilsys Hernandez; a/a/o Leon Joiner; a/a/o Jonathan Parker; a/a/o Jim Rue; a/a/o Jason Martinez; a/a/o Blair Nasso; a/a/o Ashley Glass; a/a/o Sammie Dale; a/a/o Lindon Freeman; a/a/o Davisha Bullock; a/a/o Megan Stasiak; a/a/o Jamie Hessling; a/a/o Kimberlee Smith; a/a/o Viktoria Ilieva; and a/a/o Eduardo Cortez v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida; Case Nos. 18-CC-029182; 18-CC-048211; 18-CC-057555; 18-CC-085325; 18-CC-020201; 18-CC-042110; 18-CC-020115; 18-CC-057432; 18-CC-058096; 18-CC-058351; 18-CC-037365; 18-CC-040155; 18-CC-041104; 18-CC-042485; 18-CC-008501; 18-CC-006520; 18-CC-017765; 18-CC-022958; 18-CC-020204; 18-CC-17775; 18-CC-029970; 18-CC-013107; 18-CC-013197 and 18-CC-017790 respectively. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. October 14, 2020. Retained by Defendants.

In re: Domestic Drywall Antitrust Litigation: Home Depot USA, Inc. v. Lafarge North America, Inc. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; MDL No. 2437; Case No. 13-MD-2437. Testimony in deposition regarding damage analysis for a price-fixing case. June 10, 2020. Retained by Plaintiffs.

J. Thompson, et al. v. 1-800 Contacts, Inc., et al. U.S. District Court, District of Utah, Central Division; Case No.: 2:16-CV-01183. Testimony in deposition regarding damages and impact analyses for a class action regarding alleged illegal agreements concerning internet advertising. February 7, 2020. Retained by Plaintiffs.

State of West Virginia, ex rel. Patrick Morrisey, Attorney General, and Thomas J. Smith, in his official capacity as Secretary of Transportation and Commissioner of Highways, West Virginia Department of Transportation v. CRH, PLC; Oldcastle, Inc., et al. Circuit Court of Kanawha County, West Virginia, Business Court Division. Civil Action No.: 17-C-41. Testimony in deposition regarding data organization and analysis in a monopolization and price-fixing case. January 24, 2020. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Maria Cummings, et al. v. Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico, et al. Second Judicial District Court, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico; Cause No. CV 2001-01409. Testimony at trial regarding development of class-wide damages methodology for alleged failure to provide proper pediatric cancer treatment protocols. December 9-11, 2019. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Maria Cummings, et al. v. Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico, et al. Second Judicial District Court, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico; Cause No. CV 2001-01409. Testimony in deposition regarding development of class-wide damages methodology for alleged failure to provide proper pediatric cancer treatment protocols. November 5, 2019. Retained by Plaintiffs.

In re: Automotive Parts Antitrust Litigation; In re: Bearings Cases: Direct Purchaser Actions. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division. Case No. 12-MD-02311. Testimony in deposition regarding damages and classwide impact in a price-fixing case. October 30, 2019. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Riverview Recovery a/a/o Jay Marshall v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court in and for Broward County, Florida. Case No. COCE 16-023067 (56). Testimony in deposition regarding analysis of Geico claims data to determine the prevailing competitive price for windshield repairs. October 25, 2019. Retained by Defendants.

In re: Capacitors Antitrust Litigation: Direct Purchaser Actions. U.S. District Court, Northern District of California. Master File No. 3:14-cv-03264-JD. Testimony in Daubert hearing regarding damages and classwide impact in a price-fixing case. September 16, 2019. Retained by Plaintiffs.

In re: Capacitors Antitrust Litigation: Direct Purchaser Actions. U.S. District Court, Northern District of California. Master File No. 3:14-cv-03264-JD. Testimony in deposition regarding damages and classwide impact in a price-fixing case. June 7, 2019. Retained by Plaintiffs.

State of West Virginia, ex rel. Patrick Morrisey, Attorney General, and Thomas J. Smith, in his official capacity as Secretary of Transportation and Commissioner of Highways, West Virginia Department of Transportation v. CRH, PLC; Oldcastle, Inc., et al. Circuit Court of Kanawha County, West Virginia, Business Court Division. Civil Action No.: 17-C-41. Testimony in deposition regarding data organization and analysis in a monopolization and price-fixing case. May 2, 2019. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Certified Windshield, LLC a/a/o Arnold Mercado-Ramirez v. Geico General Insurance Company. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, State of Florida. Case No. 13-CC-033727, Division: U. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. March 7, 2019. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Naomi Hamilton vs. Geico Casualty Company, Geico General Insurance Company, et al. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Case No.: 17-CC-008354, Division: K. Testimony at trial regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. February 12, 2019. Retained by Defendants.

Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Naomi Hamilton vs. Geico Casualty Company, Geico General Insurance Company, et al. County Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Case No.: 17-CC-008354, Division: K. Testimony in deposition regarding statistical analysis of Geico claims data and Plaintiff’s survey methodology. February 5, 2019. Retained by Defendants.
Napleton’s Arlington Heights Motors, Inc. f/k/a Napleton’s Palatine Motors, Inc. d/b/a Napleton’s Arlington Heights Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, et al. vs FCA US, LLC, a Delaware corporation, and FCA Realty, LLC, a Delaware limited liability corporation f/k/a Chrysler Group Realty Company, LLC. U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. Case No.: 1:16-cv-0403. Testimony in Daubert hearing regarding methodology for damages calculations. January 15-16, 2019. Retained by Plaintiffs.

Dr. Jamie McClave

Dr. Jamie McClave

Meet The Expert

Jamie Baldwin


B.A., Vanderbilt University – Mathematics and Economics
M.S., University of Florida – Statistics
Ph.D., University of Florida – Statistics

Specialty Areas

  • Statistics
  • Econometrics
  • Statistical and Econometric Modeling
  • Time Series and Regression Analysis
  • Forecasting
  • Biostatistics
  • Antitrust Liability and Damage Estimation
  • Common Impact Analysis and Class Certification Construction Defects Analysis
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Analysis (Liability and Damages)
  • Calculation of Business Damages

Awards, Honors and Affiliations

  • American Statistics Association, Member.
  • American Bar Association, Associate Member, Section of Antitrust Law.
  • Gainesville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, 2018.
  • United Way of North Central Florida, Board of Directors 2017-Present.
  • Joan S. Mendenhall Fellowship recipient to study statistics at the University of Florida.
  • Grinter Fellowship recipient to study statistics at the University of Florida.
  • Mu Sigma Rho National Statistics Honor Society.
  • Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society, Vanderbilt University Chapter.

Dr. Jamie McClave



As the CEO of McClave + Associates (MC+A), Dr. Jamie McClave combines her passion for teamwork and problem solving as she leads the next generation of experts to continue the excellence with which MC+A is associated.

Dr. McClave provides expert analysis and testimony in statistics and econometrics, manages complex litigation projects, and leads MC+A’s array of experts to research the application of statistical methodologies to real-world data. Her specialties include statistical and econometric modeling, regression analysis, and mixed models. She has applied her expertise to a variety of fields such as antitrust, environmental sciences, education, discrimination, product liability, and patent infringement. Her ability to explain complex analyses in clear, concise terms provides an invaluable resource to her clients.

Dr. McClave has extensive experience providing statistical and econometric analysis in antitrust and class certification matters for a variety of cases and industries. In this context, she applies empirical analysis to multi-dimensional databases, provides comprehensive solutions to empirical problems, and expresses the results in ways that make sense to her audience

Prior to joining MC+A, Dr. McClave worked as a private statistical consultant for the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Statistics Department and for the University of Florida Department of Biostatistics. She has published technical articles, made numerous presentations, and has served as an educator/trainer in the fields of statistics and statistical analysis software.

Dr. McClave received her Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Economics from Vanderbilt University and earned a Master of Statistics and Doctorate in Statistics from the University of Florida.


    • University of Florida, Department of Statistics, Gainesville, Florida
    • Introduction to SAS, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Faculty Training, 2009.
    • Regression in SAS, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Faculty Training, 2009.
    • Statistics for Social Sciences, 1997-1999.Introduction to Statistics, 1997-1999.
    • Vanderbilt University, Department of Mathematics, Nashville, Tennessee
    • Introduction to Statistics, Teaching Assistant, 1996-1997.

Publications + Presentations

“Clarifying Common Misconceptions About the Two-Step Econometric Method for Establishing Common Impact” by Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin, President, Infotech Consulting and Dr. James T. McClave, CEO, Infotech Consulting. ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting. March 29, 2023.

“Economic Analysis of Class Certification: The Tuna Decision” Panel participation at the ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting. March 29, 2023.

“Update on Financial Benchmark Manipulation Litigation” Panel participation. Sponsored by the ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Committees on Pricing Conduct and Insurance and Financial Services. March 2, 2022.

“Class Certification in Antitrust Cases: All or Nearly All?” Panel participation at the American Antitrust Institute (AAI) Conference held on November 10, 2021, in Washington, DC.

“Bid Rigging Detection” Sponsored by the ABA Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division
And Co-sponsored by the ABA Section of Antitrust Law. November 21, 2019.

“Bid Rigging Detection” Sponsored by the ABA Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division
And Co-sponsored by the ABA Section of Antitrust Law. June 21, 2018.

“Computing Predicted Values and Residuals from Data Sets Containing Classification Variables with Large Numbers of Levels” SESUG Presentation. Fall 2018 with Ramon Littell.

“Class Certification – Making Sense of Class Certification Doctrine, Economics, and Econometrics” 11th Annual Private Antitrust Enforcement Conference. Panel speaker. Fall 2017.

“Comparison of Prediction Interval Methods for a One-Way Random Effects Model in Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis,” American Statistical Association, National Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2009 with Ramon Littell.

“Measuring the Mean Squared Error of the EBLUP in Linear Mixed Models,” American Statistical Association, National Meeting, Seattle, WA, August 2006 with Ramon Littell.

Farese, J. P., Fox, L., Detrisac, C., Roberts, S. L., Baldwin, J.M., (2004), “Effect of thalidomide on growth and metastasis of canine osteosarcoma cells after xenotransplantation in athymic mice,” American Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol. 65, pp. 659-664.

“Recent Advances in Analysis of Unbalanced Mixed Models,” presented by Ramon Littell, American Statistical Association, National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 2003.

Bloomberg, B. and Baldwin, J. M., (2003), “The West Nile Virus Emergence: A Household Survey Assessing Protection Behaviors in Alachua County,” Florida Department of Public Health Technical Report.


    Antitrust Litigation and Consulting

    Insignia Systems, Inc. v. News Corporation, et al. Provide damages analysis in antitrust litigation,  2020-Present.  

    In re: Broiler Chicken Antitrust Litigation. Provide damages and impact analysis for Direct Action  plaintiffs in antitrust litigation, 2019-Present. 

    J. Thompson, et al. v.1-800 Contacts, Inc., et al. Provide damages and impact analysis for class certification in antitrust litigation, 2018-2020.

    In re: Dental Supplies Antitrust Litigation Case No. 1:16-CV-00696-BMC-GRB. Establish damages and impact analysis for class certification in a price-fixing case, 2016-2018.

    In re: Optical Disk Drive Antitrust Litigation (Sony, Radio Shack) v. Sony Corporation et al. Provide damages analysis for indirect purchasers in a price-fixing case, 2016-2018.

    In re: Automotive Parts Antitrust Litigation; In re: Bearings Cases: Direct Purchaser Actions Provide damages and impact analysis for class certification in a bid-rigging/price-fixing case, 2015-2020.

    In re: Capacitors Antitrust Litigation Case No 3:14-cv-03264-JD.  Establish damages and impact analysis for class certification in a price-fixing case, 2015-Present.

    In re: Ductile Iron Pipe Fittings (“DIPF”) Indirect Purchaser Antitrust Litigation: State of Indiana, by Attorney General Greg Zoeller v. McWane Inc., Sigma Corporation, and Star Pipe Products, Ltd. Analysis of liability, damages and pass-through issues regarding price fixing allegations by indirect purchasers and the State of Indiana, 2014-2017.

    The Valspar Corporation and Valspar Sourcing, Inc. v. E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., et al. Estimation of damages in a price-fixing case involving titanium dioxide, 2013-2017.

    Rail Freight Fuel Surcharge Antitrust Litigation. Evaluation of damages and impact methodology for class certification, 2013-Present.

    Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Antitrust Litigation. Provide damages analysis for several indirect purchasers in price-fixing cases, 2012-2018.

    TFT-LCD (Flat Panel) Antitrust Litigation. Estimation of pass-through rates and damages for indirect purchasers, 2011-2018.

    Air Cargo Shipping Services Antitrust Litigation.  Econometric analyses regarding methodology for determining class wide impact, 2010-2016.

    Standard Iron Works v. Arcelormittal, et al. Provide econometric analysis of transaction data to determine whether class-wide methods can be used to determine impact, 2010-2016.

    Text Messaging Antitrust Litigation. Provide support for expert team gathering data and providing preliminary analysis in support of plaintiffs’ successful pleading of claims under the standards established by Twombly, 2010.

    Caroline Behrend, et al. v. Comcast Corporation, et al., U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania.  Provide support to expert testifying on antitrust damages in modeling, data analysis, industry standards, and data management, 2008-2016.

    Chocolate Confectionary Antitrust Litigation. Develop econometric methodology for estimating damages and impact for class certification. Provide support for expert team testifying at class certification hearing, 2008-2015.

    Urethane Antitrust Litigation: Seagott Holdings, Inc., et al. v. Bayer AG, et al. Develop damages analysis and provide support for expert team testifying at trial, 2008-2016.

    Sulfuric Acid Antitrust Litigation. Develop damage analysis for antitrust litigation, 2005-2012.


    Construction Defects Litigation Consulting

    Bradford Manor Townhomes Association, Inc., v. Morrison Homes, Inc. n/k/a Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2021-Present.

    Heritage Run Townhome Association, Inc. v. Royal Oak Homes, LLC, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2021-Present.

    Brickell City Centre Retail, LLC, et al. v. Arquitectonica International Corp., et al. Provide  sampling design and statistical analysis for construction defects matter, 2021-Present.  

    Isles of Oviedo Townhomes Owners’ Association, Inc. v. Amick Construction, Inc., et al. Provide  expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2021.  

    Baywood at Oak Creek Townhomes Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020-Present.

    Oviedo Park Owners Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020-Present.

    Pine Ridge at Oak Creek Townhomes Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison, Inc., et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020-Present.

    Flagler Station Homeowners’ Association, Inc. v. Pulte Home Corporation, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020.

    Hawthorn Homeowners’ Association, Inc. v. Pulte Home Corporation. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020-Present.

    Briar Oak at Oak Leaf Town Homeowners’ Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020.

    Heritage Commons Townhome Association, Inc. v. Beazer Homes Corporation. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2019-2020.

    Preserve at Eagle Lake Homeowners Association, Inc. v. KB Home Orlando, LLC. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2019-Present.

    Spring Isle Community Association, Inc. v. Pulte Home Corporation, et al. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating an analysis in a class certification construction defect litigation, 2018-Present.

    Bayberry Lakes, et al. v. KB Home, et al. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating an analysis in a class certification construction defect litigation, 2018-2021.

    Campfield Condominium Association, Inc., v. Pulte Home Corporation. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2017-2018.

    Expert Reports and Testimony

    February 14, 2024 – Deposition testimony in Heritage Run Townhome Association, Inc. v. Royal
    Oak Homes, LLC, et al. In the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit, in and for Osceola
    County, Florida. Case No.: 2021-CA-002757. Retained by Defendant.

    January 16, 2024 – Affidavit of Dr. Jamie McClave. Villas at Emerald Lake Homeowners
    Association, Inc. v. Royal Oak Homes, LLC, et al. v. Royal Oak Homes, LLC f/k/a AVH
    Acquisition v. Advanced Wrapping and Concrete Solutions of Central Florida, Inc, et al. v.
    Weathermaster Building Products, Inc., et al. v. All Glass Installation Corp., et al. Case No.:
    2020-CA-002942-ON. In the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit In and For Osceola
    County, Florida. Retained by Defendants.

    January 11, 2024 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave. Palmer Place Townhomes Association,
    Inc. v. Highland Holdings, Inc., et al. Case No.: 01-22-0003-5424. American Arbitration
    Association. Retained by Respondents.

    December 21, 2023 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave. In Re: The Arbitration of The Cove at
    Loggerhead Marina Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison of Florida, Inc. JAMS Ref. No.
    1460007250. Retained by Respondent.

    November 30, 2023 – Deposition testimony In re: Automatic Card Shufflers Litigation, United
    States District Court of the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division. Case No.:
    1:21-cv-01798. Retained by Plaintiff.

    November 6, 2023 – Supplemental Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. In re Pork
    Antitrust Litigation relating to Direct Action Plaintiffs. In the United States District Court,
    District of Minnesota, Case No.: 0:18-cv-01776-JRT-JFD. Retained by Plaintiffs.

    October 30, 2023 – Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. In re Pork
    Antitrust Litigation relating to Direct Action Plaintiffs. In the United States District Court,
    District of Minnesota, Case No.: 0:18-cv-01776-JRT-JFD. Retained by Plaintiffs.

    August 25, 2023 – Deposition testimony in Summerlake Community Association, Inc. v. Beazer
    Homes, LLC, et al. In the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County,
    Florida. Case No.: 2021-CA-000586-O. Retained by Defendants.

    June 29, 2023 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. In re: Automatic Card Shufflers
    Litigation, United States District Court of the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division.
    Case No.: 1:21-cv-01798. Retained by Plaintiff.

    June 16, 2023 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. In re Pork Antitrust Litigation
    relating to Direct Action Plaintiffs. In the United States District Court, District of Minnesota,
    Case No.: 0:18-cv-01776-JRT-JFD. Retained by Plaintiffs.

    June 14, 2023 – Trial testimony in Tutor Perini Building Corp. v. 299 N Federal Master, LLC. In the
    Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida. Case Nos.:
    CACE-19-021995(07), CACE-19-024223(07) Consolidated. Retained by

    May 19, 2023 – Deposition testimony in Villas at Emerald Lake Homeowners Association, Inc. v.
    Royal Oak Homes, LLC, et al. In the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for
    Osceola County Florida, Case No. 2020-CV-002942. Retained by Defendants.

    April 10, 2023 – Deposition testimony in Tutor Perini Building Corp. v. 299 N Federal Master, LLC v.
    Tutor Perini Building Corp. and Tutor Perini Corporation. In the Circuit Court of the 17th
    Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida, Case Nos.: CASE-19-021995,
    CASE-19-024223 Consolidated. Retained by Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant.

    February 16, 2023 – Expert Rebuttal Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Brickell City Centre
    Retail, LLC, et al. v. Arquitectonica International Corp., et al. In the Circuit Court of the 11th
    Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, Case No.: 21-001706-CA-01. Retained
    by Plaintiff.

    January 30, 2023 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Sawgrass Plantation Phase 1A
    Townhome Association, Inc. v. Beazer Homes Corp, et al. In the Circuit Court of the Ninth
    Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. Case No.: 2020-CA-008354-O. Retained by

    January 30, 2023 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Sawgrass Village Homeowners
    Association, Inc. v. Beazer Homes Corp. n/k/a Beazer Homes, LLC, et al. In the Circuit Court
    of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, in and for Pinellas County, Florida. Case No.: 21-002749-CI.
    Retained by Defendants.

    January 30, 2023 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Summerlake Community
    Association, Inc. v. Beazer Homes, LLC, et al. In the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit
    in and for Orange County, Florida. Case No.: 2021-CA-000586-O. Retained by Defendants.

    January 17, 2023 – Sworn Declaration of Jamie McClave Baldwin. Diamond Resorts U.S.
    Collection Development, LLC, et al. v. Wesley Financial Group, LLC, et al. In the United States
    District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee at Knoxville. Case No.: 3:20-CV-00251.
    Retained by Plaintiffs.

    January 6, 2023 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and
    Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Certified Windshield, LLC a/a/o Ken Peace v. Geico Indemnity
    Company, C In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough
    County, Florida. Case No. 13-CC-027435. Retained by Defendant.

    January 5, 2023 – Declaration of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion for
    Class Certification. Sunshine Children’s Learning Center, LLC v. Waste Connections of
    Florida, Inc. In the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. Case No.:
    21-cv-62123-BB. Retained by Plaintiff.

    November 23, 2022 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Bradford Manor Townhomes
    Association, Inc. v. Morrison Homes Inc. n/k/a Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. In the
    Circuit Court of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in and for Sarasota County, Florida, Case No.:
    2021-CA-5901 NC. Retained by Defendants.

    November 17, 2022 – Expert Sur-Rebuttal Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Brickell City
    Centre Retail, LLC, et al. v. Arquitectonica International Corp., et al. In the Circuit Court of the
    11th Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, Case No.: 21-001706-CA-01.
    Retained by Plaintiff.

    November 4, 2022 – Deposition testimony in Sunshine Children’s Learning Center, LLC v. Waste
    Connections of Florida, Inc. In the United States District Court for the Southern District of
    Florida, Case No.: 21-cv-62123-BB. Retained by Plaintiff.

    November 3, 2022 – Deposition testimony in Villa Medici Townhomes HOA, Inc., v. Portofino
    Springs Townhomes, LLC., et al. In the Circuit Court of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit in and
    for Lee County, Florida. Case No.: 20-CA-003641. Retained by Defendant.

    October 14, 2022 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Tutor Perini Building Corp. v.
    299 N Federal Master, LLC v. Tutor Perini Building Corp. and Tutor Perini Corporation. In the
    Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida, Case Nos.:
    CASE-19-021995, CASE-19-024223 Consolidated. Retained by Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant.

    October 10, 2022 – Class Certification Rebuttal Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Sunshine
    Children’s Learning Center, LLC v. Waste Connections of Florida, Inc. In the United States
    District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Case No.: 21-cv-62123-BB. Retained by

    October 10, 2022 – Expert Rebuttal Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Brickell City Centre
    Retail, LLC, et al. v. Arquitectonica International Corp., et al. In the Circuit Court of the 11th
    Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, Case No.: 21-001706-CA-01. Retained
    by Plaintiff.

    August 26, 2022 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Heritage Run Townhome
    Association, Inc. v. Royal Oak Homes, LLC, et al. In the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial
    Circuit, in and for Osceola County, Florida. Case No.: 2021-CA-002757. Retained by

    August 12, 2022 – Class Certification Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Sunshine
    Children’s Learning Center, LLC v. Waste Connections of Florida, Inc. In the United States
    District Court for the Southern District of Florida. Case No.: 21-cv-62123-BB. Retained by

    August 11, 2022 – Affidavit of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Isles of Oviedo Townhomes Owners’
    Association, Inc. v. Amick Construction, Inc., et al. In the Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial
    Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida, Case No. 2020-CA-001243-11E-L. Retained by

    July 31, 2022 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Maple Glen Homeowners
    Association, Inc. v. CalAtlantic Group, Inc., et al. In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial
    Circuit in and for Pasco County, Florida Civil Division. Case No.: 2020-CA-000868. Retained
    by Defendant.

    June 17, 2022 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Villa Medici Townhomes HOA, Inc., v. Portofino Springs Townhomes, LLC., et al. In the Circuit Court of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit in and for Lee County, Florida.  Case No.: 20-CA-003641.  Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Megan Swanson; a/a/o Candace Skinner v. Geico General Insurance Company, and a/a/o Ashley Llorens; a/a/o Michael Barnes v. Geico Indemnity Company. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 18-CC-013421,18-CC-017575, 18-CC-037490, and 18-CC-040012. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Thomas Clark v. Geico Indemnity Company. In the County Court in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case No.: 18-CC-022954. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc., a/a/o Lawrence Cooper; a/a/o Andrea Ricci; a/a/o Jason Modugno and a/a/o Christopher Hammock v. Geico General Insurance Company. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Case Nos.: 17-CC-041249, 17-CC-036330, 17-CC-039695 and 17-CC-034380. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Page 42, LLC a/a/o Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Greg Sharp; a/a/o Michael Caro; a/a/o Ricardo Castillo; and a/a/o Terrence Flowers  v. Geico Casualty Company, et al. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 17-CC-009779, 17-CC-009819, 17-CC-009769 and 17-CC-008337. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc., a/a/o Douglas Gravino; a/a/o David Ward; Dale Cook v. Geico General Insurance Company, et al. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Case Nos.: 16-CC-017972, 16-CC-022772 and 16-CC-021104. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Dennis Augustus; a/a/o Diane Allyn; a/a/o Henry Medina; a/a/o Mara Shelton; a/a/o Stephen Heinsman; a/a/o John Harris; a/a/o Robert Cartegena; a/a/o Sandra Depalma; a/a/o Shereece Elliot; a/a/o Angeline Pittaras; a/a/o Moses Sanchez; a/a/o Roberto Alegria; a/a/o Andrea Byrd; a/a/o Nick Brenneman; Page 42, LLC a/a/o Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Silivan Vorisine; and a/a/o Regina Taylor v. Geico Casualty Company, et al.  In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 17-CC-051514, 17-CC-052248, 17-CC-050547, 17-CC-051758, 17-CC-050803, 17-CC-050853, 17-CC-051090, 17-CC-051128, 17-CC-019542, 17-CC-019461, 17-CC-049731, 17-CC-050849, 17-CC-049953, 17-CC-049899, 17-CC-049901 and 17-CC-007900. Retained by Defendant.

    May 20, 2022 – Deposition testimony in Diamond Resorts U.S. Collection Development, LLC, et al. v. Pandora Marketing, LLC d/b/a Timeshare Compliance, et al., United States District Court Central District of California, Case No.: 2:20-cv-05486-DSF-ADS. Retained by Plaintiffs.

    May 20, 2022 – Declaration of Jamie Baldwin. Diamond Resorts U.S. Collection Development, LLC, et al. v. Pandora Marketing, LLC d/b/a Timeshare Compliance, et al., United States District Court Central District of California, Case No.: 2:20-cv-05486-DSF-ADS. Retained by Plaintiffs.

    May 2, 2022 – Deposition testimony in Baywood at Oak Creek Townhomes Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. The Circuit Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida, Complex Business Litigation Division, Case No.: 18-CA-005780 Division: L. Retained by Defendants.

    April 26, 2022 – Expert Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Brickell City Centre Retail, LLC, et al. v. Arquitectonica International Corp., et al. In the Circuit Court of the 11th Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, Case No.:  21-001706-CA-01. Retained by Plaintiff.

    January 31, 2022 – Expert Declaration of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Diamond Resorts U.S. Collection Development, LLC, et al. v. Pandora Marketing, LLC d/b/a Timeshare Compliance, et al., United States District Court Central District of California, Case No.: 2:20-cv-05486-DSF-ADS. Retained by Plaintiffs.

    January 28, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Mary Vivirito; a/a/o Timothy Lee v. Geico Casualty Company, et al. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 18-CC-039656 and 18-CC-038910. Retained by Defendant.

    January 28, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o David Harris; Page 42, Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Edward Kay v. Geico Indemnity Company, et al., and Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Songa King v. Geico Casualty Company, et al. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 17-CC-02077, 17-CC-049529, and 17-CC-051120. Retained by Defendant.

    January 25, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Megan Swanson; a/a/o Candace Skinner v. Geico General Insurance Company, and Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Ashley Llorens; a/a/o Michael Barnes v. Geico Indemnity Company. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 18-CC-013421, 18-CC-017575, 18-CC-037490, and 18-CC-040012. Retained by Defendant.

    January 25, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Thomas Clark v. Geico Indemnity Company, In the County Court in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division, Case No.: 18-CC-022954. Retained by Defendant.

    January 14, 2022 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Pine Ridge at Oak Creek Townhomes Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison, Inc., et al., The Circuit Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida, Case No.: 2019-CA-001540. Retained by Defendants.

    January 1, 2022 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Baywood at Oak Creek Townhomes Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. The Circuit Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida, Complex Business Litigation Division, Case No.: 18-CA-005780 Division: L. Retained by Defendants.

    November 16, 2021 – Deposition testimony in Isles of Oviedo Townhomes Owners’ Association, Inc. v. Amick Construction, Inc., et al. In the Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida, Case No. 2020-CA-001243-11E-L. Retained by Defendants.

    November 1, 2021 – Preliminary Report of Dr. Jamie McClave Baldwin. Brickell City Centre Retail, LLC, et al. v. Arquitectonica International Corp., et al. In the Circuit court of the 11th Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, Case No.: 21-001706-CA-01. Retained by Plaintiff.

    October 5, 2021 – Deposition testimony in Oviedo Park Owners Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. The Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida, Case No.: 2019-CA-003575. Retained by Defendant.

    August 2, 2021 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Isles of Oviedo Townhomes Owners’ Association, Inc. v. Amick Construction, Inc., et al. In the Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida, Case No. 2020-CA-001243-11E-L. Retained by Defendants.

    May 28, 2021 – Deposition testimony in Diamond Resorts U.S. Collection Development, LLC, et al. v. U.S. Consumer Attorneys, P.A., United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Fort Pierce Division, Case No.: 9:18-CV-80311-BER. Retained by Plaintiffs.

    March 22, 2021 – Expert Declaration of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., Diamond Resorts U.S. Collection Development, LLC, et al. v. U.S. Consumer Attorneys, P.A., United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Fort Pierce Division, Case No.: 9:18-CV-80311- ROSENBERG/REINHART. Retained by Plaintiffs.

    February 1, 2021 – Revised Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Hawthorn Homeowners’ Association, Inc. v. Pulte Home Corporation, et al. In the Circuit Court, 4th Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-3806 Division: CV-C. Retained by Defendants.

    January 4, 2021 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Oviedo Park Owners Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. The Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida, Case No.: 2019-CA-003575. Retained by Defendants.

    December 18, 2020 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Baywood at Oak Creek Townhomes Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. The Circuit Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida, Complex Business Litigation Division, Case No.: 18-CA-005780 Division: L. Retained by Defendants.

    December 8, 2020 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Pine Ridge at Oak Creek Townhomes Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison, Inc., et al., The Circuit Court of the 13th Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida, Case No.: 2019-CA-001540. Retained by Defendants.

    October 15, 2020 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Hawthorn Homeowners’ Association, Inc. v. Pulte Home Corporation, et al. In the Circuit Court, 4th Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-3806 Division: CV-C. Retained by Defendants.

    June 30, 2020 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Flagler Station Homeowners’ Association, Inc., v. Pulte Home Corporation, et al. In the Circuit Court, 4th Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, Case No.: 16-2017-CA-003831 Division: CV-A. Retained by Defendants.

    October 23, 2019 – Deposition testimony in The Preserve at Eagle Lake Homeowners Association, Inc., et al. v. KB Home Orlando LLC, In the Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial Circuit, in and for Seminole County, Florida, Case No.: 2016-CA-002674. Retained by Defendants.

    October 8, 2019 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. The Preserve at Eagle Lake Homeowners Association, Inc., et al. v. KB Home Orlando LLC, In the Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial Circuit, in and for Seminole County, Florida, Case No.: 2016-CA-002674-11E-K. Retained by Defendants.

    October 3, 2019 – Deposition testimony in Spring Isle Community Association, Inc. (Plaintiff) v. Pulte Home Corporation (Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff) v. Herme Enterprises, Inc., et al. (Third-Party Defendants), In the Circuit Court, of the Ninth Judicial Circuit, in and for Orange County, Florida, Case No.: 2017-CA-001953-O Division: 43. Retained by Defendants.

    September 30, 2019 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Heritage Commons Townhome Association, Inc. v. Beazer Homes Corp. In the Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida, Case No.: 2016-CA-002447-11E-W. Retained by Defendants.

    July 31, 2019 – Declaration of Jamie M. Baldwin, Ph.D., United States of America ex rel. Lori Morsell, et al. v. Symantec Corporation, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Civil Action No.: 12-0800 (RC). Retained by Plaintiff.

    July 31, 2019 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., Spring Isle Community Association, Inc. (Plaintiff) v. Pulte Home Corporation (Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff) v. Herme Enterprises, Inc., et al. (Third-Party Defendants), In the Circuit Court, of the Ninth Judicial Circuit, in and for Orange County, Florida, Case No.: 2017-CA-001953-O Division: 43. Retained by Defendants.

    January 29, 2019 – Deposition testimony in United States of America ex rel. Lori Morsell, et al. v. Symantec Corporation, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Civil Action No.: 12-0800 (RC). Retained by Plaintiffs.

    October 11, 2018 – Expert Reply Report of Jamie M. Baldwin, Ph.D., United States of America ex rel. Lori Morsell, et al. v. Symantec Corporation, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Civil Action No.: 12-0800 (RC). Retained by Plaintiff.

    August 21, 2018 – Deposition testimony in Bayberry Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc., et al. v. KB Home Jacksonville, LLC, et al. United States District Court Middle District of Florida, Orlando Division, Case No.: 6:18-cv-00072-GKS-GJK. Retained by Defendants.

    July 27, 2018 – Deposition testimony in Cancer Specialists of North Florida et al. v. Southern Baptist Hospital of Florida, Inc., et al. In the Circuit Court of the 4th Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida. Case No: 16-2018-CA-001615-XXXX-MA. Retained by Defendants.

    July 27, 2018 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Bayberry Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc., et al. v. KB Home Jacksonville, LLC, et al. United States District Court Middle District of Florida, Orlando Division, Case No.: 6:18-cv-00072-GKS-GJK. Retained by Defendant.

    April 27, 2018 – Affidavit of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Cancer Specialists of North Florida et al. v. Southern Baptist Hospital of Florida, Inc., et al. In the Circuit Court of the 4th Judicial Circuit in and for Duval County, Florida. Case No: 16-2018-CA-001615-XXXX-MA. Retained by Defendants.

    March 16, 2018 – Expert Report of Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D. Walters/Allen v. Bigge, et al. In the Circuit Court of Pope County, Arkansas Civil Division. Case No: CV2013-166. Retained by Defendants.

    February 22, 2018 – Deposition testimony in Campfield Condominium Association, Inc., v. Pulte Home Corporation. American Arbitration Association, Case No. 01-15-0003-3847. Retained by Defendants.

    February 8, 2018 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. and Jamie M. Baldwin, Ph.D. Cemex Construction Materials Florida, LLC v. Armstrong Work Industries, Inc. United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division. Case No.: 3:16-cv00186-MMH-JRK. Retained by Defendants.

    November 8, 2017 – Expert Report of Jamie M. Baldwin, Ph.D. Campfield Condominium Association, Inc., v. Pulte Home Corporation. American Arbitration Association, Case No. 01-15-0003-3847. Retained by Defendant.

    October 6, 2017 – Expert Report of Jamie M. Baldwin, Ph.D., United States of America ex rel. Lori Morsell, et al. v. Symantec Corporation, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Civil Action No.: 12-0800 (RC). Retained by Plaintiff.

    October 21, 2011 – Deposition testimony in Janet Carver, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Lisa Delaney v. Costco Wholesale Corporation, et al. In the Circuit Court of the 4th Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, Case No.: 2009-09-264-CA, Division: CVH. Retained by Defendants.

    September 23, 2011 – Affidavit of Jamie M. Baldwin, Ph.D. in Jason Mitow, et al. v. Rising Entertainment, Inc., et al. In the County Court of the 8th Judicial Circuit in and for Alachua County, Florida, General Jurisdiction Division, Case No. 01-2009-CA-4505. Retained by Plaintiffs.

    September 13, 2011 – Affidavit of Jamie Baldwin, Ph.D. in Janet Carver, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Lisa Delaney v. Costco Wholesale Corporation, et al. In the Circuit Court of the 4th Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, Case No.: 2009-09-264-CA, Division: CV-H. Retained by Defendants.

    July 13, 2011 – Expert Report of Jamie M. Baldwin, Ph.D. in Optima Oil & Gas Company, LLC v. Mewbourne Oil Company. In the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma, Case No. 5:09-cv-00145-C. Retained by Defendant.

    April 29, 2010 – Affidavit of Jamie M. Baldwin, Ph.D. in Sahil Group, Inc. v. Rising Entertainment, Inc., et al. In the Circuit Court of the 8th Judicial Circuit in and for Alachua County, Florida, Division J, Case No. 01-2009-CA-4043. Retained by Plaintiff.

    Other Litigation Consulting

    Antitrust Litigation and Consulting

    In re: Pork Antitrust Litigation relating to Direct Action Plaintiffs. Provide damages analysis in antitrust litigation, 2022-Present.

    Insignia Systems, Inc. v. News Corporation, et al. Provide damages analysis in antitrust litigation, 2020-Present.

    In re: Broiler Chicken Antitrust Litigation. Provide damages and impact analysis for Direct Action plaintiffs in antitrust litigation, 2019-Present.

    Rail Freight Fuel Surcharge Antitrust Litigation. Provide damages estimate for antitrust litigation, 2019-Present.

    J. Thompson, et al. v.1-800 Contacts, Inc., et al. Provide damages analysis for class certification in antitrust litigation, 2018-2020.
    In re: Dental Supplies Antitrust Litigation Case No. 1:16-CV-00696-BMC-GRB. Establish damages and impact analysis for class certification in a price-fixing litigation, 2016-2018.

    In re: Optical Disk Drive Antitrust Litigation (Sony, Radio Shack) v. Sony Corporation et al. Provide damages analysis for indirect purchasers in a price-fixing litigation, 2016-2018.

    In re: Automotive Parts Antitrust Litigation; In re: Bearings Cases: Direct Purchaser Actions Provide damages and impact analysis for class certification in a bid-rigging/price-fixing litigation, 2015-2020.

    In re: Capacitors Antitrust Litigation Case No 3:14-cv-03264-JD. Provide damages and impact analysis and provide support for the trial team in a price-fixing class action litigation, 2015-2021.

    In re: Ductile Iron Pipe Fittings (“DIPF”) Indirect Purchaser Antitrust Litigation: State of Indiana, by Attorney General Greg Zoeller v. McWane Inc., Sigma Corporation, and Star Pipe Products, Ltd. Analysis of liability, damages and pass-through issues regarding price fixing allegations by indirect purchasers and the State of Indiana, 2014-2017.

    The Valspar Corporation and Valspar Sourcing, Inc. v. E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., et al. Estimation of damages in a price-fixing case involving titanium dioxide, 2013-2017.

    Rail Freight Fuel Surcharge Antitrust Litigation. Evaluation of damages and impact methodology for class certification, 2013-2017.

    Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Antitrust Litigation. Provide damages analysis for several indirect purchasers in price-fixing cases, 2012-2018.

    TFT-LCD (Flat Panel) Antitrust Litigation. Estimation of pass-through rates and damages for
    indirect purchasers, 2011-2018.

    Air Cargo Shipping Services Antitrust Litigation. Econometric analyses regarding methodology for determining class wide impact, 2010-2016.

    Standard Iron Works v. Arcelormittal, et al. Provide econometric analysis of transaction data to determine whether class-wide methods can be used to determine impact, 2010-2016.

    Caroline Behrend, et al. v. Comcast Corporation, et al., U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Provide support to expert testifying on antitrust damages in modeling, data analysis, industry standards, and data management, 2008-2016.

    Chocolate Confectionary Antitrust Litigation. Develop econometric methodology for estimating damages and impact for class certification. Provide support for expert team testifying at class certification hearing, 2008-2015.

    Urethane Antitrust Litigation: Seegott Holdings, Inc., et al. v. Bayer AG, et al. Develop damages analysis and provide support for expert team testifying at trial, 2008-2016.

    Sulfuric Acid Antitrust Litigation. Develop damage analysis for antitrust litigation, 2005-2012.

    Construction Defects Litigation Consulting

    Sawgrass Plantation Phase 1A Townhome Association, Inc. v. Beazer Homes Corp, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2022-Present.

    Sawgrass Village Homeowners Association, Inc. v. Beazer Homes Corp. n/k/a Beazer Homes, LLC, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2022-Present.

    Summerlake Community Association, Inc. v. Beazer Homes, LLC, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2022-Present.

    Bradford Manor Townhomes Association, Inc., v. Morrison Homes, Inc. n/k/a Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2021-Present.
    Villas at Emerald Lake Homeowners Association, Inc. v. Royal Oak Homes, LLC, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2021-Present.

    Heritage Run Townhome Association, Inc. v. Royal Oak Homes, LLC, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2021-Present.

    Brickell City Centre Retail, LLC, et al. v. Arquitectonica International Corp., et al. Provide sampling design and statistical analysis for construction defects matter, 2021-Present.

    Isles of Oviedo Townhomes Owners’ Association, Inc. v. Amick Construction, Inc., et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2021-Present.

    Baywood at Oak Creek Townhomes Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020-2022.

    Oviedo Park Owners Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020-Present.

    Pine Ridge at Oak Creek Townhomes Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison, Inc., et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020-Present.

    Flagler Station Homeowners’ Association, Inc. v. Pulte Home Corporation, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020.

    Hawthorn Homeowners’ Association, Inc. v. Pulte Home Corporation. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020-2022.

    Briar Oak at Oak Leaf Town Homeowners’ Association, Inc. v. Taylor Morrison Services, et al. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2020.

    Heritage Commons Townhome Association, Inc. v. Beazer Homes Corporation. Provide expert report evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2019-2020.

    Preserve at Eagle Lake Homeowners Association, Inc. v. KB Home Orlando, LLC. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2019-2021.

    Spring Isle Community Association, Inc. v. Pulte Home Corporation, et al. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating an analysis in a class certification construction defect litigation, 2018-2022.

    Bayberry Lakes, et al. v. KB Home, et al. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating an analysis in a class certification construction defect litigation, 2018-2022.
    Campfield Condominium Association, Inc., v. Pulte Home Corporation. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating an analysis in a construction defect litigation, 2017-2018.

    Other Litigation Consulting

    State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Legal Affairs v. Purdue Pharma L.P., et al. In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pasco County West Pasco Division, New Port Richey, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-001438. Provide damages analysis and support for the trial team pertaining to the opioids epidemic in the State of Florida.

    Diamond Resorts U.S. Collection Development, LLC, et al. v. Pandora Marketing, LLC d/b/a Timeshare Compliance, et al. Provide expert declaration supporting liability regarding false advertisement and tortious interference in the timeshare industry. 2020-Present.

    Diamond Resorts U.S. Collection Development, LLC, et al. v. U.S. Consumer Attorneys, P.A. Provide expert declaration and testimony supporting liability regarding false advertisement and tortious interference in the timeshare industry. 2020-Present.

    Cancer Specialists of Florida, et al. v. Southern Baptist Hospital of Florida. Provide affidavit and testimony regarding the relevant market in a monopolization lawsuit, 2018-2020.

    Jose Mendez, et al. v. Avis Budget Group. Coordinated analysis of damages in breach of contract case, 2018-Present.

    VIP AutoGlass, et al. v. Geico General Insurance Company. Coordinated and led a team of analysts in breach of contract claims. Prepared analyses and assisted in preparation for trial testimony, 2018-Present.

    Cemex Construction Materials Florida, LLC, v. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating a damage analysis, 2018.

    Walters/Allen v. Bigge, et al. Provide expert report evaluating a risk analysis in a nuclear power plant, 2018.

    U.S.A. ex rel. Lori Morsell, et al., v. Symantec Corporation. Provide expert analysis, reports and testimony of damages suffered in false claims litigation, 2017-2022.

    Universal Coin and Bullion, Ltd., v. Federal Express Corporation, et al. Statistical analysis of coin sales data responding to allegations of lost sales due to business interference, 2014.

    U.S. Department of Justice, et al. v. Consolidated City of Jacksonville. Evaluation of statistical analyses, 2013-Present.

    State of Ohio, ex rel. Michael DeWine Attorney General of Ohio v. Cargill Inc., Cargill Deicing Technology, Morton Salt, Inc. and Morton International, LLC. Liability and damage analyses for bid-rigging case, 2012-2015.

    Khepera Solar, LLC v. City of Gainesville d/b/a Gainesville Regional Utilities. Analysis of sampling procedures used in awarding solar contracts, 2012-2014.

    NYTDA, Inc. a/k/a New York Trucking & Delivery Association v. The City of New York, et al. Statistical analysis comparing rates of traffic citations over geographical and temporal
    regimes, 2012-2014.

    Applied Surgical, LLC and Dave Alexander v. Stryker, Inc., et al. Probability analysis testing similarity of surgical devices in a patent infringement case, 2011.

    Janet Carver, as personal Representative of the Estate of Lisa Delaney v. Costco Wholesale Corporation and William Jones. Provide expert report and testimony evaluating prescription fill rates in wrongful death litigation, 2011.

    Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Inc. v. RTI Biologics, Inc. Statistical analysis to calculate odds ratio of litigation depending on distributor of tissue implants, 2011.

    Optima Oil & Gas Company, LLC v. Mewbourne Oil Company. Provide expert report evaluating a statistical analysis in oil land lease litigation, 2011.

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida’s Lakes and Flowing Waters. Analysis of proposed methodology for determining downstream protective values, 2010-2011.

    Sahil Group, Inc. v. Rising Entertainment, Inc. Expert in damage analysis for breach of contract, 2010.

    Jason Mitow, Justin Giangrande, and Monopoly Management, LLC v. Rising Entertainment, Inc. Expert in damage analysis for breach of contract, 2010.

    Other Professional Experience

    Statistical graduate consultant with University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences on experimental design and analysis projects for veterinary medicine and agricultural departments, 2004-2005.

    Statistical Consultant for Pandion Systems, Inc. to develop methods to detect wildlife population changes due to commercial development, 2004.

    University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Graduate Research Assistant. USDA Grant funded research to improve on-farm research methods. Compiled a literature review of recent developments in the analysis of mixed models. Investigated methods utilizing spatial statistics to compensate for lack of replication, 2003-2004.

    Statistical Consultant for the Alachua County Department of Public Health on design, sampling, and analysis of survey to determine public protection behaviors from West Nile Virus, 2002-2003.

    Analyzed educational data to evaluate teaching methods as part of a research grant at University of Florida, 2002.

    Employed by University of Florida Department of Special Education to analyze education survey data to determine factors related to the success of first year Special Education teachers, 2001-2002.

    University of Florida, Department of Biostatistics, Graduate Research Assistant. Compiled literature review of education and statistical articles relevant to the evaluation of teacher effectiveness. Conducted weekly meetings with a focus group to identify statistical issues in the evaluation of teacher effectiveness, 2001.


    Dr. Robert Kneuper

    Dr. Robert Kneuper

    Meet The Expert

    Dr. Robert Kneuper


    B.S., George Mason University – Applied Economics
    M.S., Clemson University – Economics
    Ph.D., Clemson University – Economics


    Specialty Areas

    • Economics
    • Finance
    • Econometrics
    • Statistical and Econometric Modelling
    • Antitrust Liability Analysis and Damage Estimation
    • Class Certification Analysis of Common Impact and Damage Estimation Economic Analysis (Damages and Liability)
    • Analysis of Business Damages
    • Economic Analysis of Regulatory Impact
    • Intellectual Property
    • Copyright and Trade Secret Disputes


    Awards, Honors and Affiliations


    • Named in Who’s Who Legal Consulting Experts 2016, Competition Economists, U.S., Law Business Research LTD.
    • Outstanding Team Effort Award, FTC, 1991 and 1993
    • Hugh Macauley Award (Best Masters Thesis in Economics) Clemson Univ., 1988
    • R. C. Edwards Fellow, Clemson Univ., 1988-89
    • H. W. Close Fellow, Clemson Univ., 1986-88
    • Weber H. Peterson Award, (Best Economics Student) George Mason Univ., 1985-86

    Dr. Robert Kneuper



    Dr. Robert Kneuper is an Expert Economist and Expert Consultant with McClave + Associates, and he consults on a wide variety of applied economic and applied finance topics including antitrust, damages, class certification, intellectual property, and regulation. He provides testimony both for private sector clients and for government regulators, in industries including health care, pharmaceuticals, insurance, energy, media, entertainment, transportation, real estate, internet, sports, gaming, aerospace, defense, waste collection, retail, and consumer products.

    As part of his antitrust practice, Dr. Kneuper has provided economic analyses of the competitive impact of a wide variety of business practices that raise antitrust issues such as mergers, joint ventures, monopolization, IP licensing, price-fixing, predatory pricing, price discrimination, tying, MFN clauses, monopsony, vertical restraints, and more. Dr. Kneuper applies both economic theory and data analyses to evaluate key antitrust issues such as market definition, market power, entry barriers, competitive effects, power buyers, failing firms, and efficiencies.

    Dr. Kneuper has provided economic and financial analyses involving class certification in a variety of cases and industries. In this context, Dr. Kneuper has analyzed whether economic theory and data supports that there is a common impact to the class resulting from alleged illegal acts. Dr. Kneuper has estimated damages in the context of class certification cases.

    Dr. Kneuper has also analyzed damages in a variety of other cases including antitrust cases, intellectual property cases, and breach of contract cases. In his damages work, Dr. Kneuper uses a combination of microeconomic modeling and data analyses to estimate the market impact on prices and/or profits of various types of alleged illegal acts.

    Dr. Kneuper has evaluated the economic impact of a variety of business practices in conjunction with regulatory proceedings and regulatory oversight.

    Dr. Kneuper’s professional experience includes more than 10 years of analyzing antitrust matters at the Federal Trade Commission. At the FTC, Dr. Kneuper’s work focused on mergers, horizontal and vertical restraints, damages, monopolization, and intellectual property. Dr. Kneuper had a leadership role developing the FTC’s antitrust policy for cases involving patent settlements between branded and generic pharmaceutical companies. In addition, Dr. Kneuper participated extensively in the FTC’s technical antitrust assistance program, advising various countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Venezuela.

    Dr. Kneuper holds a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from Clemson University and has also served as an adjunct professor at Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Charleston Southern University, and Johns Hopkins University where he taught courses in antitrust economics, managerial economics, corporate finance, and political economy.


    • Antitrust Economics (Law Course)

    • Corporate Finance (MBA Course)

    • Managerial Economics (MBA Course)

    • Political Economy (Graduate Course)

    • Microeconomics (Graduate and Undergraduate Course)

    • Financial Management (Undergraduate Course)

    • Risk and Insurance (Undergraduate Course)

    • Macroeconomics (Undergraduate Course)


    Named in Who’s Who Legal Consulting Experts 2016, Competition Economists, U.S., Law Business Research LTD.

    Outstanding Team Effort Award, FTC, 1991 and 1993

    Hugh Macauley Award (Best Masters Thesis in Economics) Clemson Univ., 1988

    R. C. Edwards Fellow, Clemson Univ., 1988-89

    H. W. Close Fellow, Clemson Univ., 1986-88

    Weber H. Peterson Award, (Best Economics Student) George Mason Univ., 1985-86


    “Chapter VII: Price Discrimination,” with Alicia Downey, Antitrust Law and Economics of Product Distribution, ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Second Edition, 2016.

    “The Role of the Economic Expert in Damages Analyses,” with James Langenfeld, The Expert Witnesses Newsletter, ABA Section of Litigation, Fall 2014.

    “Chapter VII: Barriers to Entry,” with Michael Salinger, Market Power Handbook: Competition Law and Economic Foundations, ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Second Edition, 2012.

     “The Potential Role of Civil Antitrust Damage Analysis in Determining Financial Penalties in Criminal Antitrust Cases,” (with James Langenfeld), George Mason Law Review, Summer 2011, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 953-986

    “Geographic Market Definition in Markets with Imports,” with Phil Nelson and Laura Malowane, The Threshold, the American Bar Association, Spring 2007.

    “Four Economic Principles Underlying the FTC’s Position Against Reverse Payments in Patent Settlement Agreements,” The Antitrust Source, January 2006.

    “Auto Insurers and the Airbag:  Reply,” with Bruce Yandle, Journal of Risk and Insurance, September 1996, Volume 63, Number 3, pp. 524-525.

    “The Air Bag/Seat Belt Controversy:  How the States Voted,” with Bruce Yandle, Eastern Economic Journal, Spring 1996, Volume 22, Number 1, pp. 147-160.

    “Auto Insurers and the Air Bag” with Bruce Yandle, Journal of Risk and Insurance, March 1994, Volume 61, Number 1, pp. 107-116.

    “Insurers, Auto Makers, and the Political Debate Over Air Bags,” in Economics Consequences of Liability Rules, edited by Bruce Yandle and Roger Meiners, Quorum Books, 1991.

    Expert Reports and Testimony

    April 25, 2024 – Deposition testimony in Barry Sewall, et al. v. Home Partners Holdings LLC, et al., State of Minnesota District Court, County of Hennepin, Fourth Judicial District, Court File No.: 27-cv-22-10389.

    April 23, 2024 – Supplemental Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Ultra Records, LLC v. Ultra International Music Publishing, LLC in the United States District Court of the Southern District of New York, Case No. 22 Civ. 9667.

    April 11, 2024 – Deposition testimony in Ultra Records, LLC v. Ultra International Music Publishing, LLC in the United States District Court of the Southern District of New York, Case No. 22 Civ. 9667.

    April 8, 2024 – Supplemental Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Barry Sewall, et al. v. Home Partners Holdings LLC, et al., State of Minnesota District Court, County of Hennepin, Fourth Judicial District, Court File No.: 27-cv-22-10389.

    ​March 12, 2024 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Ultra Records, LLC v. Ultra International Music Publishing, LLC in the United States District Court of the Southern District of New York, Case No. 22 Civ. 9667.

    December 14, 2023 – Deposition testimony in TNT Amusements, Inc., d/b/a Play-Mor Coin-Op v. Torch Electronics, LLC, et al. In the United States District Court Eastern District of Missouri, Eastern Division, Case No.: 4:23-cv-330.

    December 12, 2023 – Supplemental Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. TNT Amusements, Inc., d/b/a Play-Mor Coin-Op v. Torch Electronics, LLC, et al. In the United States District Court Eastern District of Missouri, Eastern Division, Case No.: 4:23-cv-330.

    November 15, 2023 – Deposition testimony In re: Automatic Card Shufflers Litigation, United States District Court of the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division. Case No.: 1:21-cv-01798.

    November 6, 2023 – Preliminary Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. TNT Amusements, Inc., d/b/a Play-Mor Coin-Op v. Torch Electronics, LLC, et al. In the United States District Court Eastern District of Missouri, Eastern Division, Case No.: 4:23-cv-330.

    October 23, 2023 – Deposition testimony in Barry Sewall, et al., v. Home Partners Holdings LLC, et al. State of Minnesota District Court, County of Hennepin, Fourth Judicial District, Court File No.: 27-cv-22-10389.

    October 17, 2023 – Deposition testimony in Trans-Audit, Inc., v. Condata Global, Inc., United States District Court, Northern District of Florida, Gainesville Division, Case No. 1:22-cv-00318-RH-MAF.

    October 6, 2023 – Supplemental Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Trans-Audit, Inc., v. Condata Global, Inc., United States District Court, Northern District of Florida, Gainesville Division, Case No. 1:22-cv-00318-RH-MAF.

    August 25, 2023 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Trans-Audit, Inc., v. Condata Global, Inc., United States District Court, Northern District of Florida, Gainesville Division, Case No. 1:22-cv-00318-RH-MAF.

    August 15, 2023 – Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Frank Richmond, et al. v. Home Partners Holdings LLC, et al., United States District Court, Western District of Washington, Case No.: 3:22-CV-05704-DGE.

    July 21, 2023 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Barry Sewall, et al. v. Home Partners Holdings LLC, et al., State of Minnesota District Court, County of Hennepin, Fourth Judicial District, Court File No.: 27-cv-22-10389.

    July 7, 2023 – Reply Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D.  Barry Sewall, et al. v. Home Partners Holdings LLC, et al., State of Minnesota District Court, County of Hennepin, Fourth Judicial District, Court File No.: 27-cv-22-10389.

    July 1, 2023 –  Expert Rebuttal Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. IsoNova Technologies LLC (Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant) v. David L. Rettig and OvaInnovations, LLC (Defendants/Counterclaim Plaintiffs), United States District Court for the District of Iowa, Cedar Rapids Division, Case No.: 20-CV-00071- CJW-KEM.

    June 29, 2023 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D.  In re: Automatic Card Shufflers Litigation, United States District Court of the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division.  Case No.: 1:21-cv-01798.

    May 12, 2023 – Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D.  Barry Sewall, et al. v. Home Partners Holdings LLC, et al., State of Minnesota District Court, County of Hennepin, Fourth Judicial District, Court File No.: 27-cv-22-10389.

    May 11, 2023 – Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph. D. IsoNova Technologies LLC (Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant) v. David L. Rettig and OvaInnovations, LLC (Defendants/Counterclaim Plaintiffs), United States District Court for the District of Iowa, Cedar Rapids Division, Case No.: 20-CV-00071-CJW-KEM.

    April 5, 2023 – Revised Expert Rebuttal Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. v. Lafarge North America, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, No. 2:18-cv-05305-MBB.

    April 5, 2023 – Revised Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. v. Lafarge North America, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, No. 2:18-cv-05305-MBB.

    April 4, 2023 –  Deposition Testimony of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Francisco Berlanga, et al. v. Polaris Industries, Inc.  In the United States District Court of the Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division.  Case No.: 2:21-cv-00949-JAM-DMC.  Retained by Plaintiffs.

    March 31, 2023 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph. D. IsoNova Technologies LLC (Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant) v. David L. Rettig and OvaInnovations, LLC (Defendants/Counterclaim Plaintiffs), United States District Court for the District of Iowa, Cedar Rapids Division, Case No.: 20-CV-00071-CJW-KEM.

    January 27, 2023 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Francisco Berlanga, et al. v. Polaris Industries, Inc.  In the United States District Court of the Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division.  Case No.: 2:21-cv-00949-JAM-DMC.  Retained by Plaintiffs.

    January 6, 2023 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Certified Windshield, LLC a/a/o Ken Peace v. Geico Indemnity Company, C In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Case No. 13-CC-027435. Retained by Defendant.

    September 8, 2022 – Deposition Testimony of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc. a/a/o Lawrence Cooper; a/a/o Andrea Ricci; a/a/o Jason Modugno; a/a/o Christopher Hammock; Douglas Gravino and Dale Cook v. Geico General Insurance Company.  In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida.  Case Nos.: 17-CC-041249, 17-CC-036330, 17-CC-039695, 17-CC-034380, 16-CC-017972 and 16-CC-021104. Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc. a/a/o David Ward v. Government Employees Insurance Company.  In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County Florida.  Case No.: 16-CC-022772. Retained by Defendant.

    June 15, 2022 – Deposition Testimony of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Megan Swanson; a/a/o Candace Skinner v. Geico General Insurance Company, and a/a/o Ashley Llorens; a/a/o Michael Barnes v. Geico Indemnity Company. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 18-CC-013421,18-CC-017575, 18-CC-037490, and 18-CC-040012. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Megan Swanson; a/a/o Candace Skinner v. Geico General Insurance Company, and a/a/o Ashley Llorens; a/a/o Michael Barnes v. Geico Indemnity Company. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 18-CC-013421,18-CC-017575, 18-CC-037490, and 18-CC-040012. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Thomas Clark v. Geico Indemnity Company. In the County Court in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case No.: 18-CC-022954. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc., a/a/o Lawrence Cooper; a/a/o Andrea Ricci; a/a/o Jason Modugno and a/a/o Christopher Hammock v. Geico General Insurance Company. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Case Nos.: 17-CC-041249, 17-CC-036330, 17-CC-039695 and 17-CC-034380. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Page 42, LLC a/a/o Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Greg Sharp; a/a/o Michael Caro; a/a/o Ricardo Castillo; and a/a/o Terrence Flowers  v. Geico Casualty Company, et al. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 17-CC-009779, 17-CC-009819, 17-CC-009769 and 17-CC-008337. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay, Inc., a/a/o Douglas Gravino; a/a/o David Ward; Dale Cook v. Geico General Insurance Company, et al. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida. Case Nos.: 16-CC-017972, 16-CC-022772 and 16-CC-021104. Retained by Defendant.

    May 27, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Dennis Augustus; a/a/o Diane Allyn; a/a/o Henry Medina; a/a/o Mara Shelton; a/a/o Stephen Heinsman; a/a/o John Harris; a/a/o Robert Cartegena; a/a/o Sandra Depalma; a/a/o Shereece Elliot; a/a/o Angeline Pittaras; a/a/o Moses Sanchez; a/a/o Roberto Alegria; a/a/o Andrea Byrd; a/a/o Nick Brenneman; Page 42, LLC a/a/o Shazam Auto Glass, LLC a/a/o Silivan Vorisine; and a/a/o Regina Taylor v. Geico Casualty Company, et al.  In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 17-CC-051514, 17-CC-052248, 17-CC-050547, 17-CC-051758, 17-CC-050803, 17-CC-050853, 17-CC-051090, 17-CC-051128, 17-CC-019542, 17-CC-019461, 17-CC-049731, 17-CC-050849, 17-CC-049953, 17-CC-049899, 17-CC-049901 and 17-CC-007900. Retained by Defendant.

    April 22, 2022 – Supplemental Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Legal Affairs v. Purdue Pharma, et al., In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pasco County, West Pasco Division, New Port Richey, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-001438.

    April 15, 2022 – Declaration of Dr. Robert A. Kneuper, IsoNova Technologies LLC (Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant) v. David L. Rettig and OvaInnovations, LLC (Defendants/Counterclaim Plaintiffs), United States District Court for the District of Iowa, Cedar Rapids Division, Case No.: 20-CV-00071-CJW-KEM.

    March 29, 2022 – Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. Robert Kneuper, State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Legal Affairs v. Purdue Pharma, et al., In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pasco County, West Pasco Division, New Port Richey, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-001438.

    February 4, 2022 – Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. Robert Kneuper, State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Legal Affairs v. Purdue Pharma, et al., In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pasco County, West Pasco Division, New Port Richey, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-001438.

    January 28, 2022 – Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. Robert Kneuper, AdTrader, Inc., Classic and Food EOOD, LML Consult Ltd., Ad Crunch Ltd., Fresh Break Ltd., and Specialized Collections Bureau, Inc. v. Google LLC., In the United States District Court Northern District of California, San Jose Division, Case No: 5:17-CV-7082-BLF.

    January 28, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Mary Vivirito; a/a/o Timothy Lee v. Geico Casualty Company, et al. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 18-CC-039656 and 18-CC-038910.

    January 28, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o David Harris; Page 42, Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Edward Kay v. Geico Indemnity Company, et al., and Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Songa King v. Geico Casualty Company, et al. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 17-CC-02077, 17-CC-049529, and 17-CC-051120.

    January 25, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Megan Swanson; a/a/o Candace Skinner v. Geico General Insurance Company, and Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Ashley Llorens; a/a/o Michael Barnes v. Geico Indemnity Company. In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division. Case Nos.: 18-CC-013421, 18-CC-017575, 18-CC-037490, and 18-CC-040012.

    January 25, 2022 – Expert Report of James T. McClave, Ph.D., Jamie McClave Baldwin, Ph.D., and Robert Kneuper, Ph.D. Shazam Auto Glass, LLC, a/a/o Thomas Clark v. Geico Indemnity Company, In the County Court in and for Hillsborough County, Florida – Civil Division, Case No.: 18-CC-022954.

    November 24, 2021 – Deposition Testimony, State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Legal Affairs v. Purdue Pharma, et al., In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pasco County, West Pasco Division, New Port Richey, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-001438.

    November 10, 2021 – Deposition Testimony, Rare Breed Triggers, LLC, et al. v. Big Daddy Enterprises, Inc., et al., In the United States District Court for the District for the Northern District of Florida, Gainesville Division, Case No.: 1:21-CV-149-RH-GRJ.

    November 3, 2021 – Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Rare Breed Triggers, LLC, et al. v. Big Daddy Enterprises, Inc., et al., In the United States District Court for the District for the Northern District of Florida, Gainesville Division, Case No.: 1:21-CV-149-RH-GRJ.

    October 29, 2021 – Rebuttal Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Legal Affairs v. Purdue Pharma, et al., In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pasco County, West Pasco Division, New Port Richey, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-001438.

    October 21, 2021 – Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., dotStrategy, Co., et al. v. Facebook, Inc., United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Case No. 20-cv-00170-WHA.

    October 19, 2021 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. v. Lafarge North America, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, No. 2:18-cv-05305-MBB.

    September 16, 2021 – Trial Testimony in Automatic Equipment Mfg. Co. d/b/a Blue Ox, (Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant) v. Danko Manufacturing, LLC (Defendant/Counter-Claimant), United States District Court for the District of Nebraska, Case No.: 8:19-cv-162.

    August 30, 2021 – Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., IsoNova Technologies LLC (Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant) v. David L. Rettig and OvaInnovations, LLC (Defendants/Counterclaim Plaintiffs), United States District Court for the District of Iowa, Cedar Rapids Division, Case No.: 20-CV-00071-CJW-KEM.

    August 6, 2021 – Supplemental Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Automatic Equipment Mfg. Co. d/b/a Blue Ox, (Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant) v. Danko Manufacturing, LLC (Defendant/Counter-Claimant), United States District Court for the District of Nebraska, Case No.: 8:19-cv-162.

    July 30, 2021 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Legal Affairs v. Purdue Pharma, et al., In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pasco County, West Pasco Division, New Port Richey, Florida, Case No.: 2018-CA-001438.

    June 17, 2021 – Deposition of Dr. Robert Kneuper, AdTrader, Inc., Classic and Food EOOD, LML Consult Ltd., Ad Crunch Ltd., Fresh Break Ltd., and Specialized Collections Bureau, Inc. v. Google LLC., In the United States District Court Northern District of California, San Jose Division, Case No.: 5:17-CV-7082-BLF.

    May 27, 2021 – Expert Rebuttal Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., dotStrategy, Co., et al. v. Facebook, Inc., United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Case No. 20-cv-00170-WHA

    May 7, 2021 – Expert Report of Dr. Robert Kneuper, AdTrader, Inc., Classic and Food EOOD, LML Consult Ltd., Ad Crunch Ltd., Fresh Break Ltd., and Specialized Collections Bureau, Inc. v. Google LLC., In the United States District Court Northern District of California, San Jose Division, Case No: 5:17-CV-7082-BLF.

    April 28, 2021 – Deposition of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., dotStrategy, Co., et al. v. Facebook, Inc., United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Case No. 20-cv-00170-WHA.

    April 14, 2021 – Reply Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Paul Guzman et al. v. Polaris Industries, Inc., United States District Court for the Central District of California – Southern Division, Case No.: 8:19-cv-01543-JLS-KES.

    April 8, 2021 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., dotStrategy, Co., et al. v. Facebook, Inc., United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Case No. 20-cv-00170-WHA.

    April 5, 2021 – Expert Rebuttal Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Paul Guzman et al. v. Polaris Industries, Inc., United States District Court for the Central District of California – Southern Division, Case No.: 8:19-cv-01543-JLS-KES.

    April 2, 2021 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Automatic Equipment Mfg. Co. d/b/a Blue Ox, (Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant) v. Danko Manufacturing, LLC (Defendant/Counter-Claimant), United States District Court for the District of Nebraska, Case No.: 8:19-cv-162.

    March 18, 2021 – Deposition Testimony in Paul Guzman et al. v. Polaris Industries, Inc., United States District Court for the Central District of California – Southern Division, Case No.: 8:19-cv-01543-JLS-KES.

    January 13, 2021 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Paul Guzman et al. v. Polaris Industries, Inc., United States District Court for the Central District of California – Southern Division, Case No.: 8:19-cv-01543-JLS-KES.

    August 24, 2020 – Expert Rebuttal Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. v. Lafarge North America, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, No. 2:18-cv-05305-MBB.

    July 9, 2020 – Expert Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Classic Soft Trim, Inc. and Roadwire, LLC, v. Ross Albert, Katzkin Leather, Inc.,  ClearLight Partners, LLC, and ClearLight Partners Management, LLC, In the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Case No. 6-18-cv-01237-WWB-GJK.

    June 12, 2020 – Deposition of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. v. Lafarge North America, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, No. 2:18-cv-05305-MBB.

    May 15, 2020 – Expert Report of Dr. Robert Kneuper, Classic Soft Trim, Inc. and Roadwire, LLC, v. Ross Albert, Katzkin Leather, Inc., ClearLight Partners, LLC, and ClearLight Partners Management, LLC, In the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Case No. 6-18-cv-01237-WWB-GJK.

    March 19, 2020 – Expert Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Classic Soft Trim, Inc. and Roadwire, LLC, v. Ross Albert, Katzkin Leather, Inc.,  ClearLight Partners, LLC, and ClearLight Partners Management, LLC, In the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Case No. 6-18-cv-01237-WWB-GJK.

    March 16, 2020 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. v. Lafarge North America, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, No. 2:18-cv-05305-MBB.

    February 25, 2020 – Trial Testimony in LLB Convenience & Gas, Inc. v. Southeast Petro Distributors, Inc., In the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Case No.: 6:18-cv-00914-PGB-TBS.

    December 4, 2019 – Deposition of Dr. Robert Kneuper, AdTrader, Inc., Classic and Food EOOD, LML Consult Ltd., Ad Crunch Ltd., Fresh Break Ltd., and Specialized Collections Bureau, Inc. v. Google LLC., In the United States District Court Northern District of California, San Jose Division, Case No.: 5:17-CV-7082-BLF.

    November 8, 2019 – Expert Report of Dr. Robert Kneuper, AdTrader, Inc., Classic and Food EOOD, LML Consult Ltd., Ad Crunch Ltd., Fresh Break Ltd., and Specialized Collections Bureau, Inc. v. Google LLC., In the United States District Court Northern District of California, San Jose Division, Case No: 5:17-CV-7082-BLF.

    September 20, 2019 – Deposition of Dr. Robert Kneuper, LLB Convenience & Gas, Inc. v. Southeast Petro Distributors, Inc., In the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Case No.: 6:18-cv-00914-PGB-TBS.

    September 4, 2019 – Expert Report of Dr. Robert Kneuper, LLB Convenience & Gas, Inc. v. Southeast Petro Distributors, Inc., In the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Case No.: 6:18-cv-00914-PGB-TBS.

    December 13, 2018 – Trial Testimony in Auto Glass of America, Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay and Lloyds of Shelton v. Geico, In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, State of Florida, General Civil Division.

    November 8, 2018 – Deposition of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Auto Glass of America, Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay and Lloyds of Shelton v. Geico, In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, State of Florida, General Civil Division.

    November 5, 2018 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., Auto Glass of America, Superior Auto Glass of Tampa Bay and Lloyds of Shelton v. Geico, In the County Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, State of Florida, General Civil Division.

    March 16, 2018 – Deposition Testimony in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Cemex Construction Materials Florida, LLC v. Armstrong World Industries, Inc., U.S., Case No. 3:16-cv-00186-MMH-JRK.

    February 8, 2018 – Expert Report of Drs. Robert Kneuper and Jamie M. Baldwin, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Cemex Construction Materials Florida, LLC v. Armstrong World Industries, Inc., U.S., Case No. 3:16-cv-00186-MMH-JRK.

    November 8, 2017 – Deposition Testimony in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, Orologio of Short Hills, Inc., and Orologio International Ltd., Inc. v. The Swatch Group (U.S.) Inc., Civil Action No. 11-6854 (SDW).

    February 22, 2017 – Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Jose Division, In re: Google Adwords Litigation, Case No. 08-cv-3369-EJD.

    November 7, 2016 – Declaration of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., United States District Court for the Central District of California, Golden Boy Promotions v. Alan Haymon, Case No. 2:15-cv-03378.

    October 21, 2016 – Deposition Testimony in United States District Court for the Central District of California, Golden Boy Promotions v. Alan Haymon, Case No. 2:15-cv-03378.

    September 6, 2016 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., United States District Court for the Central District of California, Golden Boy Promotions v. Alan Haymon, Case No. 2:15-cv-03378.

    May 11, 2016 – Trial Testimony in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan, Southern Division, Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc., v. Zaremba Family Farms, Inc., Case No. 1:12-cv-00369-PLM.

    May 19-21, 2015 – Trial Testimony in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, Hannah’s Boutique v. Barbara Ann Surdej, Roy Surdej and Jeffrey Surdej d/b/a Peaches Boutique, Case No. 13-cv-02564.

    March 19, 2015 – Supplemental Declaration of Dr. Robert Kneuper, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, Hannah’s Boutique v. Barbara Ann Surdej, Roy Surdej and Jeffrey Surdej d/b/a Peaches Boutique, Case No. 13-cv-02564.

    December 3, 2014 – Deposition Testimony in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, Hannah’s Boutique v. Barbara Ann Surdej, Roy Surdej and Jeffrey Surdej d/b/a Peaches Boutique, Case No. 13-cv-02564.

    November 3, 2014 – Expert Report of Dr. Robert Kneuper, U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, Orologio of Short Hills, Inc., and Orologio International Ltd., Inc. v. The Swatch Group (U.S.) Inc., Civil Action No. 11-6854 (SDW).

    October 8, 2014 – Declaration of Dr. Robert Kneuper, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, Hannah’s Boutique v. Barbara Ann Surdej, Roy Surdej and Jeffrey Surdej d/b/a Peaches Boutique, Case No. 13-cv-02564.

    August 20, 2014 – Deposition Testimony in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan, Southern Division, Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc., v. Zaremba Family Farms, Inc., Case No. 1:12-cv-00369-PLM.

    June 20, 2014 – Expert Report of Dr. Robert Kneuper, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan, Southern Division, Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc., v. Zaremba Family Farms, Inc., Case No. 1:12-cv-00369-PLM.

    November 23, 2011 – “Economic Analyses of the Competitive Impacts from the Proposed Acquisition of Princeton Insurance Company by Medical Protective Corporation,” with James Langenfeld and Michaelyn Corbett, Expert Report Filed with the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance in Support of Form A Application of Medical Protective Corporation and Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

    October 4, 2011 – Deposition Testimony in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, Mylan Inc. et al. v. SmithKline Beecham Corporation et al., Civil Action No. 10-4809.

    September 9, 2011 – Expert Report of Robert Kneuper, Ph.D., U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, Mylan Inc. et al. v. SmithKline Beecham Corporation et al., Civil Action No. 10-4809.

    January 30, 2009 – “Supplemental LECG Report Regarding Proposed Highmark/IBC Consolidation,” with James Langenfeld, Expert Report Assisting the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.

    September 10, 2008 – “LECG Report to the Pennsylvania Insurance Department Regarding Proposed Highmark/IBC Consolidation,” with James Langenfeld, Expert Report Assisting the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.

    November 18, 2007 – Presentation to the Nevada Gaming Commission Regarding Private Equity Gaming Acquisitions, with David Scheffman, Presentation Assisting the Nevada Gaming Commission.

    November 15, 2007 – Report Analyzing the Economic Impact of Various Proposed Private Equity Acquisitions of Gaming Companies, with David Scheffman, Expert Report Assisting the Nevada Gaming Commission.

    Dr. Kevin W. Caves

    Dr. Kevin W. Caves

    Meet The Expert

    Dr. Robert Kneuper


    B.A., Haverford College – Economics
    M.A., University of California, Los Angeles – Economics
    Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles – Economics: Industrial Organization, Applied Econometrics

    Specialty Areas

    • Economics
    • Econometrics
    • Antitrust Analysis
    • Class Certification & Common Impact
    • Consumer Products Litigation
    • Damage Estimation
    • Financial Economics
    • Labor Economics
    • Mergers & Acquisitions
    • Public Policy Analysis
    • Sports Economics
    • Sector-Specific Regulation

    Awards, Honors and Affiliations


    • American Antitrust Institute Award for Outstanding Antitrust Litigation Achievement in Economics, 2023
    • Howard Fellowship for Excellency in Teaching, University of California at Los
      Angeles, Spring 2005.
    • Graduate Fellowship, University of California at Los Angeles, 2000 – 2004.
    • Departmental Honors in Economics, Haverford College, May 1998.
    • Phi Beta Kappa Society, elected May 1998.

    Dr. Kevin W. Caves

    Managing Director



    With expertise in microeconomics and econometrics, Dr. Caves has more than 15 years of experience in antitrust, class actions, merger analysis, sector-specific regulation, consumer product litigation and more. He has applied his expertise to a variety of industries, including cable, broadcasting, energy, finance, freight rail, Internet & tech platforms, healthcare, labor markets, motor vehicles, wireless and wireline networks, payment cards, PCs, pharmaceuticals, and professional sports. In 2023, Dr. Caves received the American Antitrust Institute’s Award for Outstanding Antitrust Litigation Achievement in Economics.

    Dr. Caves has served as a testifying expert in U.S. district court, before Federal regulators, and in arbitration. He is the architect of complex economic and econometric models undergirding a range of high-profile cases; examples include JUUL Labs Consumer LitigationGSE Bonds Antitrust LitigationForeign Exchange Antitrust LitigationIn re: MacBook Keyboard, and U.S. v. Bristol-Myers Squibb.

    Dr. Caves’ work has been published in popular outlets, law journals and peer-reviewed economics journals, such as The Atlantic, Antitrust, Communications & Strategies, Competition Policy International, Econometrica, The Economist, George Mason Law Review, Information Economics & Policy, IT Business Edge, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, Journal of Sports Economics, Labor Law Journal, Research in Law & Economics, and the Review of Network Economics. He has published two book chapters, and has served on the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics, & Policy.

    Dr. Caves is co-developer of the Ackerberg-Caves-Frazer (ACF) algorithm, an econometric technique widely taught in economics and integrated into STATA, a leading statistical software package.

    Dr. Caves earned his bachelor’s in economics from Haverford College, and his masters and doctorate in economics with a focus in industrial organization and econometrics from the University of California at Los Angeles in 2005.

    Expert Testimony, Reports, and Filings

    STB Ex Parte No. 711 (Sub No. 1), Reciprocal Switching,  Supplemental Verified Statement and Written Testimony of Kevin W. Caves, Ph.D. On Behalf of The American Chemistry Council, The Fertilizer Institute, and The Corn Refiners AssociationSurface Transportation Board (April 4, 2022).

    Think Operations, LLC v. Top Shelf Barber Supplies, LLC, American Arbitration Association Case No. 01-1900002-4754. Expert Testimony of Kevin W. Caves, PhD (April 6, 2020).

    Think Operations, LLC v. Top Shelf Barber Supplies, LLC, American Arbitration Association Case No. 01-1900002-4754. Expert Report of Kevin W. Caves, PhD (March 18, 2020).

    Camille Cabrera v. Bayer Healthcare LLC et al (C.D. Cal.), Case No. 2:17-cv-08525-JAK. Expert Deposition (December 16, 2019).

    STB EP 755 (Final Offer Rate Review); EP 761 (Railroad Revenue Adequacy) Expert Testimony on Behalf of the American Chemistry Council et. al., Surface Transportation Board (December 12, 2019).

    Camille Cabrera v. Bayer Healthcare LLC et al (C.D. Cal.), Case No. 2:17-cv-08525-JAK. Expert Rebuttal Report of Kevin W. Caves, PhD (December 6, 2019).

    STB EP 755 (Final Offer Rate Review); EP 761 (Railroad Revenue Adequacy) Verified Statement of Kevin W. Caves, PhD on Behalf of the American Chemistry Council et. al., Surface Transportation Board (November 12, 2019).

    United States ex rel. Streck v. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (E.D. Pa.), Civil Action No. 2:13-cv-07547. Expert Deposition (October 4, 2019).

    United States ex rel. Streck v. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (E.D. Pa.), Civil Action No. 2:13-cv-07547. Rebuttal Expert Report of Kevin W. Caves, Ph.D. (September 5, 2019).

    United States ex rel. Streck v. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (E.D. Pa.), Civil Action No. 2:13-cv-07547. Expert Report of Kevin W. Caves, Ph.D. (August 16, 2019).

    Camille Cabrera v. Bayer Healthcare LLC et al (C.D. Cal.), Case No. 2:17-cv-08525-JAK. Declaration and Expert Report of Kevin W. Caves, Ph.D. (July 16, 2019).

    STB Docket No. NOR 42144, In Re: North America Freight Car Assoc. et. al. v. Union Pacific, Rebuttal Verified Statement of Kevin W. Caves, PhD Surface Transportation Board (May 31, 2019).

    STB Ex Parte No. 711 (Sub No. 1), Reciprocal Switching, Reply Verified Statement of Kevin W. Caves, PhD On Behalf of The Shipper Coalition for Railroad Competition, Surface Transportation Board (January 9, 2017).

    Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans, (Docket No. CFPB-2016-0025/RIN 3170-AA40), Expert Comments on Proposed Rule by Kevin W. Caves and Hal J. Singer, “A Consumer Welfare Analysis of the CFPB’s Proposed Regulation of Payday Loans,” Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (October 2016).

    In the Matter of 2014 Quadrennial Regulatory Review – Review of the Commission’s Broadcast Ownership Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to Section 202 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, (MB Docket Nos. 14-50, 09-182), Expert Report of Kevin W. Caves and Hal J. Singer: “An Economic Analysis of the FCC’s Eight Voices Rule,” Federal Communications Commission (July 2016).

    In the Matter of Implementation of Section 103 of the STELA Reauthorization Act; Amendment to the Commission’s Rules Related to Retransmission Consent, (MB Docket Nos.15-216, 10-71) Expert Report of Kevin W. Caves and Bruce M. Owen: “Bundling in Retransmission Consent Negotiations: A Reply to Riordan” Federal Communications Commission (February 2016).

    Public Hearing, STB Docket No. Ex Parte 722 & STB Docket No. Ex Parte 664, Expert Testimony on Behalf of the American Chemistry Council et. al., Surface Transportation Board (July 23, 2015).

    STB Ex Parte No. 722 (Railroad Revenue Adequacy), Reply Comments of Concerned Shipper Associations Verified Statement of Kevin Caves and Hal Singer, Surface Transportation Board (November 4, 2014).

    In the Matter of Petition of USTelecom for Forbearance Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. §160(c) from Obsolete ILEC Regulatory Obligations that Inhibit Deployment of Next-Generation Networks, Expert Declaration of Kevin W. Caves, Federal Communications Commission (October 6, 2014).

    In the Matter of 2014 Quadrennial Regulatory Review – Review of the Commission’s Broadcast Ownership Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to Section 202 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, (MB Docket No. 14-50), Expert Report of Kevin W. Caves and Hal J. Singer: “Competition in Local Broadcast Television Advertising Markets,” Federal Communications Commission (August 2014).

    In the Matter of Special Access for Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers; AT&T Corporation Petition for Rulemaking to Reform Regulation of Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Rates for Interstate Special Access Services (WC Docket No. 05-25 & RM-10593), Declaration of Kevin W. Caves and Jeffrey A. Eisenach, Federal Communications Commission (March 2013).

    In the Matter of Amendment of the Commission’s Rules Related to Retransmission Consent, (MB Docket No. 10-71), Reply Declaration of Jeffrey A. Eisenach and Kevin W. Caves, Federal Communications Commission (June 2011).

    In the Matter of Amendment of the Commission’s Rules Related to Retransmission Consent, (MB Docket No. 10-71), Declaration of Jeffrey A. Eisenach and Kevin W. Caves, Federal Communications Commission (May 2011).

    Guardian Pipeline, L.L.C., v. 295.49 acres of land, more or less, in Brown County, Calumet County, Dodge County, Fond du Lac County, Jefferson County and Outagamie County, Wisconsin, et al., Case No. 08-C-28 (E.D. Wis.), Expert Declaration of Kevin W. Caves, Ph.D. (September 2010).


    Are the Lowest-Paid UFC Fighters Really Overpaid?  JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS (2021), co-authored with Ted Tatos and Augustus Urschel

    Competing Approaches to Antitrust: An Application in the Payment Card Industry27:3 GEORGE MASON LAW REVIEW  (2020), co-authored with Hal J. Singer.

    When the Econometrician Shrugged: Identifying and Plugging Gaps in the Consumer Welfare Standard, 26:2 GEORGE MASON LAW REVIEW (Fall 2018), coauthored with Hal J. Singer.

    Applied Econometrics: When Can an Omitted Variable Invalidate a Regression?, ANTITRUST SOURCE (December 2017), co-authored with Hal J. Singer.

    Identification Properties of Recent Production Function Estimators, 83(6) ECONOMETRICA 2411-2451 (November 2015), co-authored with Daniel Ackerberg and Garth Frazer. “Ackerberg-Caves-Frazer Method” adopted by STATA Software (acfest command).

    On the Utility of Surrogates for Rule of Reason Cases, COMPETITION POLICY INTERNATIONAL (May 2015), co-authored with Hal J. Singer.

    Analyzing High-Tech Employee: The Dos and Don’ts of Proving (and Disproving) Classwide Antitrust Impact in Wage Suppression Cases, THE ANTITRUST SOURCE (February 2015), co-authored with Hal J. Singer.

    Life After Comcast: The Economist’s Obligation to Decompose Damages Across Theories of Harm, 28 ANTITRUST (Spring 2014), co-authored with Hal J. Singer.

    Mobile Wireless Performance the EU and the US: Implications for Policy, 93 COMMUNICATIONS & STRATEGIES (Q1 2014), co-authored with Erik Bohlin and Jeffrey A. Eisenach.

    Econometric Tests for Analyzing Common Impact, co-authored with Hal J. Singer, in THE LAW AND ECONOMICS OF CLASS ACTIONS: 26 RESEARCH IN LAW AND ECONOMICS 135-160 (James Langenfeld, ed., Emerald Publishing 2014).

    Vertical Integration in Multichannel Television Markets: A Study of Regional Sports Networks, 12 REVIEW OF NETWORK ECONOMICS 61-92 (2013), co-authored with Hal J. Singer and Chris Holt.

    Assessing Bundled and Share-Based Loyalty Rebates: Application to the Pharmaceutical Industry, 8 JOURNAL OF COMPETITION LAW & ECONOMICS 889-913 (2012), co-authored with Hal J. Singer.

    Modeling the Welfare Effects of Net Neutrality Regulation: A Comment on Economides and Tåg, 24 INFORMATION ECONOMICS & POLICY 288-292 (2012).

    Economic and Legal Aspects of FLSA Exemptions: A Case Study of Companion Care, 63 LABOR LAW JOURNAL 174-202 (2012), co-authored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach.

    “What Happens When Local Phone Service Is Deregulated? Regulation (Fall 2012), co-authored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach.

    The Bottle and the Border: What can America’s failed experiment with alcohol prohibition in the 1920s teach us about the likely effects of anti-immigration legislation today? 9 THE ECONOMISTS’ VOICE (June 2012).

    “What a Nobel-Prize Winning Economist Can Teach Us About Obamacare,” The Atlantic (May 23, 2012), co-authored with Einer Elhauge. Reprinted in EINER ELHAUGE, OBAMACARE ON TRIAL (August 2012).

    Quantifying Price-Driven Wireless Substitution in Telephony, 35 TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY 984-998 (December 2011).

    State Dependence and Heterogeneity in Aggregated Discrete Choice Demand Systems: An Example from the Cigarette Industry (UCLA Dissertation, December 2005).


    Economic Tools For Enforcement Actions: Lessons From The Trenches, California Lawyers Association (February 29, 2024)

    Competition and Monopsony in Labor Markets: Theory, Evidence, and Antitrust Implications, New York State Bar Association, Antitrust Law Section, New York, NY, (April 23, 2014).

    Econometric Tests of Common Impact, Covington & Burling LLP, Washington, DC., (May 23, 2013). Kevin W. Caves, Ph.D.

    Vertical Integration in Cable Networks: A Study of Regional Sports Networks, Federal Communications Commission (May 21, 2013).

    Regression Methods: Theory and Applications of Fixed-Effects Models, O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Washington, DC., (July 16, 2012).

    Regression Methods: Theory and Applications, Antitrust Practice Group, Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC, Washington, DC., (June 4, 2012).

    Using Regression in Antitrust Cases, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, PA., (April 12, 2012).

    Interview with IT Business Edge on Rural Utilities Service Broadband Subsidies (May 17, 2011).



    International Journal of the Economics of Business

    Journal of Competition Law & Economics

    Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics & Policy (Editorial Advisory Board)

    Research in Transportation Economics

    White Papers

    The Empirical Link Between Fibre-to-the-Premises Deployment and Employment: A Case Study in Canada (prepared with support from Bell Canada, co-authored with Hal Singer and Anna Koyfman, October 2015).

    Mobile Wireless Performance in Canada: Lessons from the EU and the US (prepared with support from TELUS, co-authored with Erik Bohlin and Jeffrey A. Eisenach, September 2013).

    Mobile Wireless Performance in the EU & the US (prepared with support from GSMA, co-authored with Erik Bohlin and Jeffrey A. Eisenach, May 2013).

    Estimating the Economic Impact of Repealing the FLSA Companion Care Exemption (prepared with support from National Association for Home & Hospice Care, coauthored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach, March 2012).

    The Impact of Liberalizing Price Controls on Local Telephone Service: An Empirical Analysis (prepared with support from Verizon Communications, co-authored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach, February 2012).

    Bundles in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Case Study of Pediatric Vaccines (prepared with support from Novartis, co-authored with Hal J. Singer, July 2011).

    Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of RUS Broadband Subsidies: Three Case Studies (prepared with support from The National Cable & Telecommunications Association, co-authored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach, April 2011).

    Video Programming Costs and Cable TV Prices: A Reply to CRA (prepared with support from The National Association of Broadcasters, co-authored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach, June 2010).

    Modeling the Welfare Effects of Net Neutrality Regulation: A Comment on Economides and Tåg (prepared with support from Verizon Communications, April 2010).

    Retransmission Consent and Economic Welfare: A Reply to Compass-Lexecon (prepared with support from The National Association of Broadcasters, coauthored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach, April 2010).

    The Benefits and Costs of Implementing “Return-Free” Tax Filing in the U.S. (prepared with support from The Computer & Communications Industry Association, co-authored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach & Robert E. Litan, March 2010).

    The Benefits and Costs of I-File (prepared with support from The Computer & Communications Industry Association, co-authored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach &Robert E. Litan, April 2008).

    The Effects of Providing Universal Service Subsidies to Wireless Carriers (prepared with support from Verizon Communications, co-authored with Jeffrey A. Eisenach, June 2007).